Are You Scared Yet?

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Are You Scared Yet?

The text left much to be desired. Questions to be answered. Ivy had never made a direct attempt on his sisters' lives. She loved them. In her own twisted way, she loved them.

"Why are you doing this to her?" He asked out loud. He stepped on the gas and pushed the car faster.

He peeled through the streets of the East End. The engine beat boxed as the van carried him. He came upon a red light and considered running it. A familiar motorcycle darted out in front of him. The brakes screeched as he slammed on them.

The van halted just before the motorcycle. Both their eyes met in a widened embrace. His coal orbs molded with the ice blue of Jason's. A breath fled his lips.

"Isley?" He heard Jason call from outside. "What the hell are you doing? You almost ran me over!" He kicked the stand to the ground and climbed off his bike.

Wade sighed as Jason walked to the driver's side. Fully dressed in his Robin attire. He motioned for Wade to roll down the windows.

Another sigh escaped him. He reached for the crank. Slowly the window creaked down. Inch by inch. "I think it needs some lube," He said as it caught halfway down.

Jason inhaled a slow breath. "I thought we agreed you would stay at the safe house." He said.

"Really? You want to talk about that in the middle of the street, Robin?" He reminded.

Jason looked down at his suit. "Shit," He hissed. He looked up again as the light turned green.

A car slammed on the horn behind them. Both their eyes narrowed.

"It just turned green, asshole!" Jason barked at the car. The driver pressed the horn longer. "Go around, fuck-face." Jason lifted his middle finger. He kept it aimed at the car as it sped around them.

"Fuckin' Gotham, I tell ya," He muttered to himself. He looked at Wade again. "Pop the back open and move over."

Wade's face twisted. "Move over?" He repeated to himself as he unlocked the back. He watched Jason climb onto his bike and drive it to the back of the van.

He turned as the back doors popped open. Jason grunted and hoisted the bike into the back of the van. He shut the doors and walked back to the driver's side. He pulled the door open.

"You deaf Isley?" He asked. "Scootch," He waved.

"Fuck you, I can drive." He argued.

"You almost ran me over."

"I wasn't planning to! You came out of nowhere."

"The light was red, Wade."

Wade sucked his teeth. He slammed his fingers on his seatbelt and released it. He shimmied out of the driver's seat and crossed the console to the passenger side.

"Hurry up," He hissed as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, yeah," Jason muttered under his breath. He climbed into the van and shut the door. "Now, what the hell is goin' on, Isley?"

"My asshole sister came to town and Ivy, being herself, kidnapped her. Now she's holding her hostage at the reservoir until I show up... alone." Wade recapped.

"Shit," Jason muttered. He stepped on it as the light turned green. "Well, are you okay?" He asked.

Wade rolled his eyes. They landed on Jason and he shook his head. "Really?" He asked.

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