Sleepless In Marais (1)

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Sleepless In Marais (1)
Swamp Thing Season One: Episode 10
Trigger warning: Mentioning Rape


When Wade's plane touched down, Abby was the one to pick him up. She looked tired, but she smiled anyway. "No bags?" She asked.

"All of my belongings were destroyed in a fire," Wade responded. He opened the door and sank into the passenger seat. "This is all I have." He lifted his arm to flash Jericho's bracelet.

Abby shut her door. "That was five months ago," She said as she started the car.

"Forgive me if I haven't had time to go to the mall between all of the near death experiences and all that." He retorted.

Abby glanced at him and chuckled. "I missed you, wise ass." She said, pushing his shoulder.

Wade smiled. "I missed you too, Abs. So much shit has been going on. Is Alec around?" He asked.

"He's at the cove, you know trying to keep a balance between The Green and The Rot." She said with a shrug. It was still hard to wrap her mind around it all, but she managed well enough.

Wade nodded and leaned on the window. He could feel them both. The Green and The Rot. Every breath he took, it swelled in his chest. The pull of them.

He never liked Marais. The people are ass backwards, the only place in town wouldn't serve him booze, and everything had a voice.

The shadows, the plants, the air even. Everything called to him. Thrusted him in the middle of a battle he wanted nothing to do with.

The last time he was in Marais, he asked something of the forces inside. He asked them to remove him from the equation entirely. To strip him of his powers.

Then, maybe he'd have some semblance of peace.

"Earth to Wade." Abby said, cutting through his thoughts.

Wade blinked himself back to the present. "What? I'm sorry, I spaced out."

"Clearly," Abby said smiling. "I was trying to warn you about Hazel. She's been on the warpath for two days straight. Apparently you haven't been answering her calls either."

He sighed. "Don't make it a thing, Abs, please." He said waving his hand.

"I'm not, trust me, I know what it's like to need space. But what you did, what you've been doing, it's not okay. There's a way to get space without vanishing and leaving the people that love you high and dry."

Wade groaned. "Abby please,"

"No, it's not okay, Wade. I've been worried sick, Alec too. When you left.. It was so sudden that we never got a chance to talk. There's so much that you don't know."

"Then enlighten me, Abs. Go on, while I'm still here." He snapped, glaring at her.

Abby released a calming breath. "I'm not trying to fight you, Wade. I'm trying to help you, so is Alec, if you would just let us."

"When I needed yours and Alec's help, you did the exact opposite of what I asked you to do. So excuse me, if I'm a little hesitant to reach out here and there." He hissed.

Abby scoffed. "You're such an asshole," She said.

"I've been called worse by many." He retorted.

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