When I Saw You

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When I Saw You

4 Months Ago

MISSED CALL: Abby (5), Hazel (2), Rose (1)

The moon lit the night sky. The soft glow of the night barely illuminated Wade. The darkness acted as a cloak.

Wade stared at the towering building ahead. All of the windows were shrouded in darkness, All but one. It was a meeting, one off the books. The meeting.

The one he'd been waiting for since Thorn's funeral. The one he'd been watching the scumbags in the boardroom for. He stood at the edge of the parking lot.

The plants around his feet hissed and furled into one another. Swollen spores weighed the plants down. Putrid green goop dripped from the spores into the soil. They were toxic, poisonous, just like the hatred coursing through his veins.

Wade took one step. The concrete cracked around his foot. Weeds tore through the holes. With each step he took, more plants crumbled the slab. His black hoodie protected his face from the cameras. The plants underneath him grew like cancer.

They wrapped around light poles, and the cameras attached. The metal posts screeched under the weight. They bent and crunched. The light exploded and sent shards of glass everywhere.

The plants fed off of his grief. His hatred fueled them like accelerant to a fire. The pheromones in the air were thick. His nostrils burned with each breath he took.

Wade stopped in front of the glass doors. He raised his hand and grasped upward. The weeds underneath him blasted out of the dirt. They swirled together, weaving into a platform of plants.

The platform grew, and grew, until Wade was 45 feet in the air. He stood before the boardroom window. He watched the suits discuss business. They were none the wiser of his presence.

Wade balled his fist. A thick vine, rough like the roots of an oak tree sprung up beside him. He thrusted his fist forward.

Heavy ropes of vines smashed into the windows. Big chunks of glass showered the men and the long table. The vines wrapped around the window frame. They pulled the metal apart to make room for him.

His platform of plants ushered him into the building. He stood on top of the table, watching the men recover from the glass shower. The plants outside of the window attached themselves to the walls. They spread like a virus through the body.

"Listen up, boys," He said with his hands on his hips. "I'm not here to hurt any of you, I'm here for information."

"Who the fuck are you?" Asked one of the businessmen.

"Who cares? He's one of those green freaks! Kill him before our guest arrives." Said another.

Wade flicked his hand. Vines shot across the room. They wrapped around every man in sight. Coiled around them like boas.

Stems sprouted from the veins like magic. Creamy white petals danced around smaller, crimson petals. In the pit, yellow blossoms bloomed. The flowers smelled sweet, but even their sweetness had an edge.

The men gaped at Wade.

"You might want to rethink that idea," Said Wade. "Those pretty little flowers you see? They're Nerium Oleander flowers. They're pretty, but deadly. From the branches to the flower itself."

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