Sleepless In Marais (2)

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Sleepless In Marais (2)
Trigger Warning: Mention of Rape

MISSED CALL: Jason (7)

Wade sat at the counter. A cup of scotch rested before him. He trailed his finger across the brim of the cup. When they got home, Tulip was already in bed. That saved him from the awkward first impression covered in blood and mud.

His phone vibrated on the counter. He saw Jason's contact photo and rolled his eyes. He flipped the phone on its screen.

"You should answer the phone," Abby said as she entered the kitchen.

"You should mind your business." Wade responded. He took a sip of his drink.

"I'm just sayin' the guy's called you how many times since your plane landed? He cares."

"He's annoying."

Abby grinned as she opened the fridge. "You like him," She said grabbing the milk.

"I like his penis," Wade corrected. "And his tongue. Jawline, too. His abs are great as well."

"Okay, no fair. I haven't had sex in months. I haven't even had time to think about sex with everything going on around here." Abby whined as she grabbed a bowl from the cupboard.

"I have. Only once, this..." He checked the time on his phone. "..Yesterday morning, actually, it was great. It was everything."

"Okay, new topic. How can you even drink right now? I feel drained," Abby said. She pushed a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"So do I," Said Wade. "That's why I'm drinking." He said lifting the cup to his mouth.

"You chose a drink before a shower." She said. "Nasty."

"Hey, I would drink in the shower if I could. Actually, I can, now that you're out." He said.

"You better move fast, Hazel's light is on. If I didn't know any better I'd say she's writing down every one of your shortcomings on flash cards so she won't miss a thing when she reads your ass." Said Abby. She took Wade's cup and gulped the rest of his drink down.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go-" He tried to walk away but he crashed into his sister.

Her copper hair had grown to her shoulders. It was cut into a perfect bob. Her olive skin was radiant under the kitchen lights. Her green eyes pierced into Wade's.

"If it isn't my ever evasive brother. Planning to run off again?" She asked, brow raised. She put her hand on her hip and blocked his path.

"I was going to shower," He said.

Hazel gave him a once over. She folded her arms across her chest and shook her head. "Covered in blood and dirt. I should've known you were off playing hero." She said.

Wade sighed. "Can we save the drama for later? I need a shower. Besides, you're kinda loud and the kid is sleeping."

"The kid? The kid, are you kidding me? She has a name, Wade! A name you need to learn, because-"

"Guys, let's try and keep it down? It's late, and like Wade said Tulip is asleep." Abby reasoned from behind the counter.

"I'm fine, are you fine Hazel?" Wade asked.

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