Sleepless In Marais (3)

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Sleepless In Marais (3)

Wade turned and sprinted away. He left the precinct and ran until he got back to Abby's apartment. She was there, frantically screaming at Alec. It was a strange sight. A swamp monster being berated by his girlfriend.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

Their eyes fell on him. "Wade how did y-what happened? Did you kill him?"

"No. I got information. Apparently, Nathan Ellery is on a flight to Gotham to get my mother out of Arkham. So I'm leaving; It'll be easier to kill them in one place," Wade said.

"Wait what? You're not seriously leaving right now are you? To kill our mother nonetheless. I don't like her very much, either, but that doesn't mean she deserves to die." Hazel said.

He didn't even notice her sitting on the couch.

He rolled his eyes. "Spare me, Hazel. Where's Tulip?"

"She's in the bedroom playing with her dolls. Perfect opportunity for you to explain to all of us just what the hell is going on." Hazel said.

It took hours. Hours to explain everything Wade knew. Not because the information was so vast, but because he wasn't the best communicator.

By the time they finished talking, it was night time. To say the discussion went over smoothly would be a lie. Abby yelled, Hazel yelled, Wade yelled, Alec roared.

In the end, everyone was stressed.

"Can we all just come to the agreement that nobody's killing anybody?" Abby asked, leaning over the kitchen counter.

"I agree," Hazel said.

"I must kill Jason Woodrue." Said Alec.

"And I have to kill my parents because I'm pretty sure if I don't, they'll kill me." Wade said. "I should've been in Gotham by now." He hissed.

"Wade you cannot kill Mom. That wouldn't make you any better than she is." Hazel said.

"At least I'll be alive," Wade countered.

"You realize you're a parent now, right? When exactly are you gonna find time to raise your child between all of the killing?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"What the hell is your problem with me, Haze, honestly? Do you just live to beat me down or is there an actual issue?"

Hazel scoffed. "My problem? My problem is my entire family keeps dying and you seem to be the common denominator. All you do is kill, all you are is..."

"..Rot?" Wade finished for her. "Trust me, I've heard it all before. Until you've been through what I have, you don't get to pick apart every one of my shortcomings. Especially not when I'm making sacrifices for all of us."

"What have you sacrificed for me?"

"I went undercover for three years to keep you and Rose safe. I've spent the last five months hunting down the people that killed Thorn to make sure they don't come after you. I'm trying to kill our mother so that you or Tulip won't die like Thorn and Rose!"

"My Mommy's dead?"

Hazel shook her head. "Great, great job Wade. Now you've scarred her for life." She said. She pushed off of the stool and rushed to comfort the crying child.

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