You Make It Real

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You Make It Real
Warning(s): mentions Rape/suicide

Last Year

It was a quiet night in Marais. Not even the crickets could be heard over the soft melodies of Nina Simone's Ne Me Quitte Pas. Nor the steady pitter patter of Jason's heartbeat. The night was a picture of peace. Filled with not only pleasure but safety.

Wade hummed along to the song. He traced a lazy pattern around Jason's nipple. An absentminded smile pulled across his face.

Jason watched his finger dance around his chest. The tickle on his skin couldn't compare to the sensation in his heart. It was addicting, intoxicating even. It felt fleeting, yet eternal all at once.

"I missed you," Jason said.

"You just saw me two weeks ago." Wade said with a soft chuckle.

"And I missed you the second I left." He responded. His hand—belonging to the arm draped over Wade's hip—kneaded into Wade.

Wade sighed. Not in annoyance, but in sadness. "You can't say that," He said. He adjusted his head on Jason's chest so that he could look into his eyes. Those sparkling green eyes.

"We agreed that this was just sex. That this was carnal, nothing more. It's easier that way."

"Is it easy for you?" Jason asked. "'Cause it's hard as hell for me.. Both ways."

Wade's tongue went dry and he swallowed hard. "It doesn't matter," He said, clearing his throat.

"Why not?" Jason asked.

"Because we, we won't work Jason. Not as a couple, or whatever. We're both too screwed up to even know how to be together. Not to mention our lives are on completely different paths," Wade said quickly.

Jason snorted. "You've used both of those before," He said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Asked Wade. He couldn't look Jason in the eye. That would've made it a lot easier to see through his lies.

"I think it's time for you to make a new list of excuses. 'Cause that's all they are, you know? Bullshit excuses." Jason said, eyes burning into the back of Wade's head.

Wade huffed. He sat up and tossed the blanket aside. He knelt down to the floor and picked up a pair of briefs. Briefs that were quite literally torn off in the fray of it.

Jason sat up. "What are you doing?" He asked. He caught the briefs that were tossed at him.

"I'm getting your things for you. So you can leave." Wade answered without looking back at him.

Jason rolled his eyes. He climbed out of bed and padded over to Wade. "I'm not going anywhere." He said.

Wade could feel the heat of Jason behind him. He sighed and turned around. "Yes you are. My daughter is asleep in the next room, I don't need her catching you sneak out of here in the morning. Besides, she's afraid to sleep alone so she'll be coming in any second now." Wade said.

"Excuses, excuses." Jason scoffed. He stood in front of Wade, naked, and unmoving. Baring it all. "I'm. Not. Leaving." He said.

Wade chuckled humorlessly. "Jason this isn't up for debate. We said this was just sex, we had sex, your services are no longer needed. Goodbye."

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