The Green Carnation

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The Green Carnation
Warning: Oral sex(ish)?

3 Months Ago

MISSED CALL: Abby (5), Hazel (3)

Wade sat on the edge of the roof. The stone gargoyles on his sides were the closest things to drinking buddies he could muster. He lifted the bottle of brandy to his lips. The bracelet on his write weighed his arm down.

The pungent aroma of cheap liquor burned his nostrils. He took a swig and grimaced as it went down. He set the bottle down beside him.

Wade looked out at Gotham. The moon gave his city a ghostly glow. It was beautiful and tragic all at once. Beautiful because from up here, all of the evil seemed so small. Tragic because he was smart enough to know it wasn't. To know that evil was weaves into Gotham's heart. 

To know that just like Gotham, he was rotten inside.

"You aren't gonna jump, are you?" Jason asked, standing near the door to the stairs. His cape flowed with the breeze.

Wade groaned and dropped his head in hands. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked without turning around.

"Apparently, I'm babysitting you. Bruce must really like you." Jason said. He made his way to the edge of the building.

"Clearly he hates me. If he liked me, he wouldn't send you to my location every five seconds." Wade hissed.

"Hey I don't like this anymore than you do. I could be busting criminals right now, instead I'm on suicide watch for some washed up plant doctor."

Wade turned and gaped at Jason, nearly contorting to an impossible position. His mouth hung open. "Did you jus..."

Wade bursted out laughing. His chest rattled as he did so. He dipped forward as if he didn't care about the danger. Just one slip, and his life would be over.

Jason jumped from his position on the wall. He rushed, arms outstretched. He stalled in pace as Wade evened out.

"Maybe come down from the ledge?" Asked Jason.

Wade rocked back and forth. Jason's words only made him laugh harder. He shook his head.

He wiped the tears out of his eyes. "Oh my God," Wade said. He had barely caught his breath.

Wade took another look at Jason's face. He broke down in a fit of laugher again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but your face.."

"You.." Another wave of laughter cut him off.

Jason's eyes flickered to the bottle in his hands. Halfway gone, just like Wade. "You celebrating something?" He asked as he inched forward.

"The death of my dignity maybe? Who the hell knows anymore." Wade said, throwing his hand out into the open. Though tears glistened in his eyes, none fell.

"You aren't gonna start crying are you? 'Cause..."

Wade snorted. "I don't cry, crying pointless and it's a sign of weakness. Instead of being weak, I'm having a drink." He said, lifting the bottle. The liquor sloshed around, a bit spilled from it's mouth.

"Want some company?" Jason asked. By now he stood right behind a gargoyle on the ledge.

Wade shrugged. "You're annoying, you're cocky, you're arrogant, and you're sadistic... Y'know... Y'know that?" Wade burped.

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