The Battle of Kilio Valley

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It took over 5 grueling hours of continuous brain storming, but finally, Commander McCoy and his generals came up with another attack on the Pride Lands. An attack on Kilio Valley.

"Alrighty, it's settled then. Generals, go prepare your men for battle, we attack at noon." Said Commander McCoy. Littered throughout the Out Lands base were a bunch of tents and small cabins housing all of the ARO's brave soldiers. One such soldier was a 16 year old boy named Billy Jonze.

Billy was in the 8th grade when Osha collapsed. He decided to enlist into the army upon hearing about Emperor Muantero's true death cause.

He was polishing his musket when General Patter came to his cabin to tell him about the upcoming attack on Kilio Valley.

Meanwhile back at Pride Rock, Kion was staring out into the savanna thinking about what happened the day before. The damage caused by the battle was great. Kion felt very scared of what was to come in the future. Kiara then came out of the den and sat down next to Kion, she could tell that he was troubled.

"Is everything okay little bro?" Asked Kiara. "Not really Kiara, I'm scared of what the humans are gonna do next." Said Kion. "It's gonna be okay bro. I believe in you." Said Kiara. "Thanks sis." Said Kion.

The ARO then began it's march to Kilio Valley. Commander McCoy lead 700 men while General Patter lead another 700, one of whom was Billy. The men were still very exhausted from the last attack which had failed miserably, so because of that a lot of soldiers didn't have a lot of faith in the movement. Just then Ono spotted the army heading into the Pride Lands, and so he immediately went to go tell Kion and the rest of the Lion Guard.

When the army finally reached Kilio Valley, it began it's assault. Commander McCoy and his army penetrated the valley and started rounding up the inhabitance, while General Patter and his forces surrounded the valley to make sure nothing could escape and fetch reinforcements.

 Commander McCoy and his army penetrated the valley and started rounding up the inhabitance, while General Patter and his forces surrounded the valley to make sure nothing could escape and fetch reinforcements

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[The army preforming their assault]

When the Lion Guard arrived, they began to battle with the soldiers. Billy took cover behind a rock and started shooting at the Lion Guard. He almost shot Beshte, but the bullet only managed to graze his back. "Huh!? Who did that!?" Shouted Beshte. Billy quickly hid from view behind the rock.

 Billy quickly hid from view behind the rock

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[Billy about to shoot Beshte]

Beshte ran over to the rock and pushed it out of the way with his snout. Billy got up and attached a bayonet to the muzzle of his musket, and then used it to stab Beshte in the face. "Back! Get back you filthy hippo!" Shouted Billy. "Twende kiboko!" Shouted Beshte as he pushed Billy hardly into a tree.

Billy cut his back on a couple sharp branches, but all in all he felt just fine and he continued to fight. The Lion Guard was eventually able to push into Kilio Valley, and as Kion continued to watch the chaos unfold, he felt the time was right to use the Roar. He ordered all of the animals to get behind him, and he roared.

A lot of soldiers were roared away by a certain distance, while others held onto what they could and stayed in Kilio Valley. That's when Kion actually got scared. He had no idea it was actually possible to resist the Roar. "We... We have to retreat!" Said Kion. Everyone was surprised by this. "But Kion, we've never retreated before!" Said Bunga. "We have no choice! The Roar didn't entirely work for some reason and there's still too meny for us! We have to go!" Said Kion.

And so the Lion Guard retreated along with what was left of the animals. The ARO had just scored it's first victory, however the victory was costly. 770 soldiers were dead along with General Patter, as he had been roared away by Kion. But despite the casualties, the ARO had achieved their goal. Kilio Valley had fallen into ARO hands. The ARO flag, which used to be the flag of Osha, was put up in the middle of the valley to symbolize the capture.

 The ARO flag, which used to be the flag of Osha, was put up in the middle of the valley to symbolize the capture

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[The flag of Osha erected over Kilio Valley]

Commander McCoy ordered the remaining 630 soldiers to stay in Kilio Valley to make sure the area stayed under ARO occupation by defending against any attacks. Telegraph lines were put up between Kilio Valley and the ARO base so that the army could communicate between one another throughout the duration of the occupation.

Back at Pride Rock, Simba was devastated to hear about the loss of Kilio Valley, but he told everyone to remain firm so that they will defeat the human threat. Kion felt very bad for the elephants, as they no longer had a place to live. He felt like the whole thing was his fault.

A few days went by into the occupation of Kilio Valley, and by then supplies were already beginning to dwindle. It turns out Kilio Valley wasn't very rich with natural resources for humans. "Hey Kevin, send a message back to base saying we're running out of supplies, and that we're probably not gonna be able to occupy this place for much longer." Said a commander to the telegraph sender. And so he then sent out the message to Commander McCoy.

- . .-.. .-.. / -.-. .-.-.- - / .- . / .- .-. . / .-. ..- -. -. .. -. -. / .-.. - .- / - -. / ... ..- .-. .-. .-.. .. . ... .-.-.- / .- - -. .-..-. - / -... . / .- -... .-.. . / - - / - -.-. -.-. ..- .-. -.- / -.- .. .-.. .. - / ...- .- .-.. .-.. . -.- / - ..- -.-. ... / .-.. - -. -. . .-. .-.-.-

Translation: Tell C.M we are running low on supplies. Won't be able to occupy Kilio Valley much longer.

Commander McCoy got the message back in the Out Lands, and realized he was in a tight corner with this situation. His marshals informed him that if they were gonna have better chances of winning the war, they would not only need to attack areas of the Pride Lands which were rich with resources, they would also need assistance from foreign nations.

When Osha was around it didn't have a lot of allies, however it did have a small relationship with France. And so a message was sent to France's government requesting that they would join the war. Commander McCoy then began waiting for a reply hoping it wouldn't take too long to come in, though in the meantime, those in Kilio Valley would start suffering from starvation and dehydration.

The Pride Landers started to notice the withering condition of the army, and started thinking about swooping in for an attack to retake Kilio Valley, and hopefully win the war as a whole.

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