Operation Mizimu Grove

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Due to the ARO's mass propaganda surfing through itself, France, and the United States, many new volunteers had poured into the Pride Lands to join the cause. All of the new volunteers was good on one hand, but on the other hand it was quite hard to have them all trained properly.

Early one morning, two U.S soldiers were walking through the Pride Lands so that they would get used to the terrain. One of them was a 24 year old man from Massachusetts, his name was Tom. And the other soldier was an 18 year old man from a small village in South Dakota, his name was Barkly.

Tom and Barkly were walking down a dirt path with their muskets in hand, when suddenly Kion and Bunga jumped out in front of them. "Hold it right there!" Said Kion. "Will you two step aside? We have to get through." Said Tom. "Well you guys are not welcome in the Pride Lands." Said Bunga. "Yeah. You United Statesians need to go right back to where you came from before I send you flying." Said Kion.

"Did he just call us United Statesians?" Asked Barkly. "Yeah I heard. Hey we're not United Statesians, we're Americans." Said Tom. "Well still, you better just get on out of here, "Americans"." Said Kion. "Come on Barkly, let's go. We have to start preparing." Said Tom.

What Tom was talking about was the latest plan Commander McCoy and his marshals had come up with: Operation Mizimu Grove. Commander McCoy wanted to try a second time at capturing Mizimu Grove. At first Commander McCoy and General Washington wanted to go straight through the Pride Lands up north, but General Dubois came up with another idea.

He proposed that they all go around the Pride Lands, as a clever way to avoid battle with the Lion Guard and the Pride Landers. After Mizimu Grove is captured, the troops would move west to meet up with troops from the Urembo Meadows, which would split the Pride Lands in two.

A total of 1500 soldiers began making the journey around the Pride Lands at 5 am. They crossed over into the Rocky Desert, and then not before long, into the Qattara Desert. As the sun kept rising, it began getting hotter and hotter, and by the time the sun was completely up it was over 90 degrees.

Due to the soldier's uniforms they were not able to tolerate the extreme heat. As such, 7 soldiers died from heat stroke. After the 2 hour long march through the Qattara Desert, the army passed into what the Pride Landers refer to as the Elephant Graveyard. Men were constantly tripping over bones, including their horses. But eventually they had reached the end, and the army started making the quick charge to Mizimu Grove.

The army got to Mizimu Grove and made a bayonet charge through the area, taking down any animals they came across. Within just 10 minutes, the ARO, French, and U.S flags, were pitched up in the middle of the grove. They had no time to celebrate as they had to start moving west to the Urembo Meadows.

"Lion Guard! Lion Guard!" Said a mongoose, flapping her wings. "Woah hey, what's gotten you in such a rush?" Asked Beshte. "It's the humans! They just took Mizimu Grove!" Said the mongoose. "What!? But that's impossible! We would have seen them passing by!" Said Fuli. "Well we have to go stop them before they hurt anyone else!" Said Kion. "Till the Pride Lands end, Lion Guard defend!"

The Lion Guard ran as quickly as they could to the scene, but by then it was too late. The two armies had joined together completing Operation Mizimu Grove. The Pride Lands was now split in two. The Lion Guard didn't give up, they still wanted to try and chase the large army away, and so a huge battle broke out.

Many soldiers were being killed and wounded, and General Dubois and General Washington were considering a retreat, but Commander McCoy commanded them to stay. They were way too deep into the plan to retreat on it now. Kion soon took it upon himself to use the Roar, and so he did, which nearly wiped out an entire U.S cavalry regiment.

Eventually, the Lion Guard did have to retreat after being surrounded by French General Leroy and his small 300 man army. Operation Mizimu Grove was one of the ARO's most costly victories, a total of 714 men died during the battle, not counting the 7 men who died from heat stroke.

The Lion Guard couldn't believe what had just happened, the ARO was able to slip right under their noses, and gain another entire chunk of the Pride Lands. The Pride Landers were completely demoralized by this point, and were really starting to consider surrendering to the ARO while they still could, hoping that they would be generous if they did.

However the Lion Guard and especially the royal family all still refused to surrender. They thought they should all keep fighting the humans until their very last breaths, no matter the circumstances. Because they were all family, and they all looked out for each other.

The Lion Guard: The Great Pride Lands WarWhere stories live. Discover now