Chapter 1

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          "I can't believe I'm going on a real exorcist mission," Rin Okumura gushed for the thousandth time.
          "Yes, I know. You've told me," his brother Yukio said, "Listen, Rin, we're not here to play. This is my work."
          "I know, I know. But still, what a neat way to spend our break," Rin gave a fangy grin as they stepped off the train.
          They looked around the train station until Yukio spied a few men in royal blue standing in the crowd, "That must be our ride."
           "You mean Suits there?"
           But Yukio was already striding up to them, "Are you for us?"
           "You the exorcists from Tokyo?" One asked, disbelieving.
           Yukio held up his ID and badge saying, "Yukio Okumura, Intermediate Exorcist First Class. This is my brother Rin, he's an exwire here to observe."
           "You're such a high ranking exorcist at such a young age?" The second man laughed, "You'll get along well with your contact."
           "Yes, Mr Ulrich? Is he here with us?"
           "It's Elric actually and no, you'll be meeting him at Central Command,"
           "Very well, we can get going then,"
           As they started out to the car, Rin turned to his brother, "Whose this guy you're meeting?"
           "Edward Elric, he's supposed to be a skilled alchemist,"
           "Alchemist? What's that?"
           "Alchemy's a type of science. How I understand it is if chemistry and exorcism had a baby,"
           One of the men with them chuckled, getting in the drivers seat of the car, "That's one way to put it I guess. What do you think of Amestris so far?"
           "It's nice," Yukio said, politely, "To be honest it feels like we stepped into another century."
           "Yeah, for real," Rin agreed.
           "Just wait till you see Central Command,"

           "So basically, you want us to babysit a couple of self-righteous religious assholes, yeah?" Edward Elric slapped the file down on Mustangs desk.
           "Okumura is a very respected exorcist," Mustang said. He gestured to the other file he had open in front of them, "Our killer seems to be sacrificing his victims in some demonic ritual. I thought we could use an expert."
           "Expert my ass. I don't care why he's killing people. I just want to stop the bastard,"
           "You're still new at this, Fullmetal. Knowing a serial killers motive, getting inside his head, can help us catch him exponentially,"
           "Brother, he's got a point," Al spoke up, looking at the file himself, "This Yukio sounds like he knows a lot about this stuff. Maybe we should get his help."
          "There is no maybe," Mustang corrected, "He's already here."
          "Here in Central?!"
          "Yes, we sent a car to pick them up. It should be arriving any second,"

          "This city is so rad," Rin breathed, practically hanging out the car window.
          "Rin, are you even listening to me?!" Yukio snapped.
          His older brother waved him away, "Yeah, yeah, some freak show, ritual sacrificing—just tell me who I need to slice and dice."
          "Rin," Yukio sighed, "Cases like these—where the suspect is likely human, it's important to understand who we're working with, the motive. See, the leading suspect right now is—"
         Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Before Rin or Yukio knew what was happening the car was on its roof. Yukio had been thrown from the car. He scrambled to his feet, wincing, just in time to see a figure disappearing down an alley. He ran to the car and peered in. The driver and other passenger were unconscious—he hoped—but Rin was peering at him from under the back seat. Yukio reached in to help, but his older brother waved him off, "My leg is pinned. You're not getting me out. Don't let him get away!"
          "I'll come back," Yukio promised before running down the alley the suspect had disappeared down.
          He emerged into another empty street, drawing a pistol and aiming it at the cobblestone in readiness. Before he could assess his surroundings, the very street stabbed up at him. He jumped out of the way, just in time, before spotting the attacker and firing at him between the spikes that were still erupting from the earth. After a few shots, the man cried out, telling Yukio he hit his target. But he hadn't dropped him. He heard a squelch and some words before a huge and hideous Niberius with three heads smashed through the distorted earth in front of him, headed straight for him.

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now