Chapter 17

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             Victor threw down the empty goblet, eyes squeezed shut. "Ah, the blood of Rin Okumura," he mused, watching something behind his eyes, "I've seen your memories, Son of Satan. You've—"
               Just then, Victor let out a scream of pain, arching his back. The four watched in horror as he burst into blue flames. His teeth grew to fangs, his ears stretched and distorted, and a tail slashed at the air behind him.
               He resembled a large, blond Rin.
               "I let your bodily fluids touch me," Ed murmured in his shock.
               "Ew!" Al snapped.
               They were interrupted by Victor crying out, "Fantastic! I have become a demon! This is exactly what I need to take out this miserable—"
               He was cut off by Yukio peppering his back with bullets. He barely flinched, but as he turned to retaliate Ed had struck the ground and crushed Victor against the wall again.
                "That won't hold him for long,"
               "That's okay," Yukio said, "It doesn't have to. I have an idea."
               He strode up to Ed, his eyes begging, Trust me on this. He held out a circle of red beads with a white cross hanging from it, "How do you feel about some amateur exorcism?"
                "Right here," Rin said, halting as he and Ed turned a corner.
                Ed shined his flashlight all around, "Okay, yeah, I see what Yukio's saying."
                There was a rustling of paper as Rin folded up the map, "Well, do the thing. Do you remember the words?"
                 "Erm...I think so,"
                 They stood in the sewers below the mental hospital. Ed got down on one knee beside the dark canal of water, looping the rosary around his hands and folding them like Yukio had showed him. He murmured a few words in Latin and threw the rosary in the water.
                 As the beads silently vanished from sight, he said, "That should do it...How do we know it worked?"
                "Here," Rin crouched down and reached for the water, but Ed grabbed his arm.
                "Rin, don't! That'll burn,"
                Rin eyed the alchemist, "I know. But we need to know it worked. You got a better idea?"
                 After a moment, Ed sighed and let go. Rin brought the tips of his fingers to the waters surface. His skin hissed and smoked and he jumped back, waving his hand, "That's holy water alright."
                 "Great. Now..."
                 He trailed off at a moaning sound coming from the darkness farther down the tunnel. It sounded like something large waking up. A Niberius similar to the one Ed and Yukio first fought in the street slunk into the light. Ed summoned his spear and Rin reached for Kurikara but Ed stopped him, "You go help Yukio and Al."
                 "I've got this guy. I can't risk you falling into that drink," he cast Rin a pleading look before turning to the demon, "Come on, ugly! Gimme your best shot!"
                 Reluctantly, Rin took off in the opposite direction, scrambling up the ladder that led back to the large entryway that was filled with chaos.
                 Victor was in an intense fight with Yukio, the former shooting the blue flames and the later firing both pistols. Neither were getting anywhere. Al was alternating between helping Yukio and drawing a transmutation circle.
                "Give it up, Okumura!" Victor jeered, "I'm resistant to all your attacks!"
                "Yukio! Move!" Rin cried, drawing Kurikara and diving for Victor.
                Yukio dipped out of the way. Victor just laughed as he blocked Rin's attack, "Finally, a worthy opponent! We might as well be related now, since your blood flows through my veins!"
                "Shut up! You're not Jack to me!" Rin swung and stabbed a few more times, with no effect. Victor saturated the younger demon with his own blue flames, also with no effect.
                Panting, Rin staggered back to where Yukio and Al stood, "I can't leave a scratch on him. It's like the blue flames cancel each other out."
                "I know," Yukio said.
                 "Wha—?! You know?!"
                "Yes, Rin, we just have to keep him busy. I sent those other exorcists to get some back-up,"
                "Back-up?" Rin echoed, sheathing Kurikara, "What back-up?!"
                "Let's just say I'm fighting fire with...another type of fire,"
                Al glanced up, "You did not!"
                At that moment, the wall that had once held the front door, blew open. A silhouette of a man was outlined in the glow of the blast. Seeing him, Victor burst out laughing, "Is it demon Christmas?! I get to take out the Son of Satan, the Fullmetal Alchemist, and the Flame Alchemist all in one go?!"

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now