Chapter 4

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          "C'mon, guys, let me see!"
          "In a minute, Rin," Yukio held out another photograph to Ed, "I recognize these markings on the floor. It's a devil's trap—for trapping demons."
          "Why would you want to do that?"
          "Who knows. To make a deal, tame the demon, save yourself or someone else. There are tons of reasons,"
          "I still don't know if I believe in demons," Ed grumbled.
          "What would you call that thing we fought?"
          "A big ass monster, but I guess potato potato," he slid a photo to Yukio, "Here's another of a transmutation circle."
          "So he's using exorcism and alchemy?" Al asked, "Is that even possible?"
          "I don't know. We—" Ed started.
          "C'mon! I'm apart of this too! I have no idea what anyone is talking about!"
          "Here, Rin, you can look on with me," Al offered, voice tinged with annoyance.
           Rin jumped up from the couch and raced over to the table the other three sat at. The only light on in the little apartment Yukio had rented was the lamp above the table that shined a dull yellow light on the files spread out in front of them.
            In his excitement, Rin leaned on Als shoulder. "As I was saying," Ed started, "We started learning alchemy when we were kids and we've just scratched the surface. So how do you do that and be an exorcist?"
            "No idea. It's the same with exorcism. And we still have to figure out why these devils traps were there,"
             There was silence. Rin read patiently over Al's shoulder, whilst being on and off distracted when Ed would push his bangs out of his face or his eyelids would droop in sleepiness. But after a moment he saw it.
              "Hold up," Rin snatched a few pages from the table, ignoring Al's protest, "What if he was trying to perform exorcisms."
             Yukio sighed, "Rin—"
              "Hear me out, man! Listen to this—Vic one—eyewitness reports her acting strange right before she was taken. Vic two—his girlfriend barely recognizes him. Vic three–babbling incohee...inco—"
             "Incoherently," Ed corrected, "Rin's onto something."
             "No, Ed, he's not," Yukio said, "Exorcism rarely kills the possessed person."
             "Not unless they were botched. In class we learned some guy—Father Schubert—yeah, before he perfected exorcism, people used to die all the time,"
             Yukio's jaw dropped, "How did you remember that?!"
              Rin stuck his tongue out, "Cause Shima and I thought his name sounded funny, duh!"
              Ed laughed, "I like his style."
              "Sure, okay, but this can't be any novice. To have such a powerful Niberius for a familiar," Yukio said, while Rin blushed and stammered over Ed's comment.
              "So is he killing them on purpose then?" Al asked.
              There was another stretch of silence, that was broken by Ed slapping the file in front of him closed, "I'm calling it. We'll pick this up tomorrow."
              "Sounds good to me," Yukio leaned back, "I'm starving."
              "I'll grab us some grub," Rin offered, grabbing his sword and jacket.
              Ed stood up, "I know a place. I'll go with you."

              The bell over the door jangled as the boys stepped back out into the evening air.
              "Thank you!"
              "Thanks a ton!"
              Rin followed Ed down the street, both carrying paper bags. "How long have you been an exwire, Rin?" Ed asked.
              "Not long. I just passed the exam to graduate from being a stupid page," he said, trying to shake off the feeling of Ed saying his name.
              "What was the exam like?"
              "Oh, total bullshit. Did you have to take an exam to be a state alchemist?"
              "What was that like?"
              "Also bullshit,"
              "Did you know you were taking it?"
              Ed gave him a confused look, "Yeah, of course."
              "Then that's not total bullshit. Believe me,"
              "Why did you want to become an exorcist?" he asked, shaking off the confusion.
              "My old man was one. He was the most powerful exorcist in the world,"
              "I bet he's proud of you and Yukio," Ed grinned.
              "Wouldn't know. He passed right before I started school. You could say I did it in his memory,"
              Ed slowed up, "I'm sorry. How'd it happen if you don't mind me asking?"
              "He was killed by a demon...protecting me,"
              Now Ed stopped completely, "Oh...I'm sorry."
              "Thanks, I guess I don't want anyone to get hurt trying to protect me again," Rin felt his face burn, praying that Ed wouldn't think this was stupid.
              But the other boy was giving him with a gentle look, "That makes sense, I suppose. What about your mom?"
              "She died giving birth to the two of us. I never met her so I didn't know enough to miss her,"
              Ed started to walk on, "Still growing up without a mother. That can't have been easy."
              "I guess it wasn't," Rin paused, unsure if the question on his mind was an appropriate one. "You said your mom is gone too? You tried to bring her back?"
              Ed avoided his gaze, "That's right. I lost my leg and Al lost his whole body. And in the end we couldn't get her back anyway."
              "I'm sorry. That really sucks," Ed gave him an odd look at his phrasing and though he tried to hide it, the pain behind his amber eyes was crushing.
              After another moment of comfortable silence, Rin ventured another question, "If you lost your leg, how...erm..."
             "How am I up and walking?"
             "Yeah—sorry, you can tell me if I'm being annoying,"
             "It's okay, it's metal," he bent over and tapped on his left knee. It rang out. Then Ed switched his grip on the food bag and rapped on his right arm, "This arm is too."
             "I see now," Rin said, mentally noting the order down like he was memorizing test answers: leg + Al for mother, arm for Al.
              "So it's just you and Yukio?" Ed asked, after another long silence, obviously eager to turn the conversation back onto the exwire.
              "Yeah, is it just you and Al too?"
              "Yep. We got friends looking out for us though,"
              "We do too. There's the guys at the monastery, my classmates at the Cram school even though some of them are jerks. And our legal guardian Mephisto—only he's not around a lot and he's a total maybe forget him,"
              They had reached the apartments. Ed paused outside the door. He suddenly had a nervous look on his face, "What about know..."
              "I just you have a girlfriend or...?"
              "Oh, nope, neither of us do,"
              "And you swing like that...I mean you like girls?"
              Rin had to think about it, "I guess girls or boys, as long as they're cool."
              Ed turned away and entered the building, taking the stairs, "Me too."
              "And do you have...someone?"
              "Nope, I did like this girl, but she's with someone else now,"
              "I'm sorry. Are you like...I dunno...pining or whatever?"
              Ed turned and smiled down at him from a few steps above him, "Definitely not."         
              Rin had to grab onto the railing to keep from pitching backwards down the stairs. Before he knew what had happened, Ed had turned around and was climbing the stairs again. Rin rushed to catch up, Dammit, is he doing this on purpose?

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now