Chapter 18

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              Mustang silently strode up to Victor. The newly-made demon gave a mock salute, "Well, Colonel, give me your best shot!"
                 Mustang snapped his white-gloved fingers. Sparks flew from his fingers and immediately flared into a fire that consumed Victor. Over the roar of the flame they could hear him screaming. "Alright!" Rin cried.
                 The Colonel slashed through the air with the same hand and the flames vanished. The red and orange glow was replaced by the same bright blue one. "What?!" Mustang gasped.
                 Not a scratch had been left on Victor. It became clear the screaming was faked. He chuckled, "That stung a little. My turn."
                He launched the blue flames at Mustang. The force of them threw him backwards, but he landed on his feet, mostly unhurt. In the same beat that he landed, he surged back at Victor, snapping with both hands one after the other after the other. Through the volley of attacks, Victor didn't bother fake screaming. Instead he laughed.
                 "That tickles, Colonel," he gave a cry of exertion and the blue flames shot from his body consuming the red and orange ones.
                 "I'm tired of your games now though," he raised his hands over his head and the blue flames burned hotter and brighter.
                 Mustang staggered back to where the three boys stood and Al conjured a barrier just in time for the blue flames to fill the entire room.
                 "He's resistant to my fire," Mustang said through his teeth.
                 All three boys answered, "We know."
                 "You know?! Why did you call me if you knew flame attacks had no effect on him?!"
                 "You'll see. I have a plan," Yukio said.
                 "Wanna fill me in, Okumura?"
                 "All you need to know is when the time's right, don't hesitate. Hit him fast and hard. With all you got," Yukio said, "You too, Rin, right after him."
                  Rin nodded.
                  Just then, the flames subsided for a moment. "Come now. That's not fair," came Victors voice.
                  There was a roar of flame and the wall cracked, then exploded, scattering the four. Before anyone else could move, the floor where they had been standing cracked, then burst. A stream of holy water, carrying a figure, shot into the sky.  "I was wondering where you had run off to, Fullmetal," Victor said, "Welcome to the party! I was just about to barbecue everyone!"
                 "Sorry I'm late," Ed landed on his feet in front of Victor. He was covered in thick Niberius blood and still holding the spear, which he swung, "There was an issue with the plumbing."
                  Victor dodged easily, "That's your plan then? Hit me with sewer water? So what? I smell...?"
                  "Nope," Ed spun, kicking Victor in the face and at the same time driving the spear through his foot, "You wanted to be a demon..."
                  "Congratulations," Yukio finished, "You're a demon. Now!"
                  Ed jumped out of the way. Al struck the finished transmutation circle. A trough rose up from the ground, scooping the holy water, arching up, and dumping it right on Victor.
                 These were real screams of pain. Steam rose from Victor's skin. He tried to jerk away but Ed's spear was still through his foot. When the holy water finally subsided, he stood there trembling, looking fragile as paper, skin red, flaking, and completely devoid of blue flames.
                  He had but a second of rest, before Mustang took the opportunity and snapped his fingers. With no protection to speak of, the fire devoured Victor's already damaged flesh and he dropped to his knees. Before the flames were even all the way out, Rin had lunged, drawing Kurikara, and plunging it into his chest.
                    "How?" Victor murmured, keeling over onto his back, "I was unbeatable..."
                    Rin withdrew his sword, "You messed with the wrong team, that's how."
                     Victor's body was crumbling to ash, arms, legs, dissolving, "You think you've won, Okumura? You're still the one who made me this, you're still a monster, a demon. You'"
                      Before he could finish, he had completely crumbled into a pile of ash.
                      The five of them stood in silence a moment, staring at what once was Victor, too stunned and relieved to speak. Then Rin was drawn from his thoughts by someone crying his name and then Ed had thrown himself into his arms.
                      "We did it, Ed!"
                       "We did. I'm so're safe..." he was putting more and more of his weight on Rin.
                       "Whoa, you okay?"
                       He gently guided Ed to the floor, "I got covered in a lot of demon blood."
                       "Yukio, can you give him some help?" Rin said.
                       Yukio came to Ed's other side, but before he kneeled down, Mustang had grabbed Rin by the collar, lifting him to his feet and turning him to face him. "Colonel!" Yukio snapped.
                       "Victor called him a demon! Do you think I'm blind? He has the same blue flames. Give me one reason not to put him down too,"
                       "Come on, man. We—"
                       "Rin helped us end Victor. He was one of his victims," Yukio said, levelly.
                       Mustang eyed him, still holding Rin up by his collar.
                       "You have to trust me. We just saved your country. You owe us,"
                       Sighing, Mustang set him down, "What do you suggest I do?"
                      "Just walk away," Yukio said, "This was me and Ed's doing. Our brothers gave a helping hand here and there. That's all."
                      "Fine. You're on thin ice, Okumura. I want you out of Amestris."
                      With that he walked off, Rin mocking him behind his back. "Brother, stay still," Al said behind him. He had kneeled beside Ed who was pushing himself up to his elbows.
                       The elder Elric gave Rin and Yukio a weak smile, "Leave it to the Colonel to be a team player and then be a dick about it the next second."
                        "Yeah, that sounds like him," Al guided his brother back to the floor, "And for the record, I did not just 'give a helping hand here and there'."

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now