Chapter 14

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                      Ready for the fallout? 👏

           What woke Ed up the next morning was the sunlight streaming through the window in front of him. He tried to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but that's when he became aware of the arm looped around his waist and was suddenly very awake. Rin's head was nuzzled in the crook of his neck, his breath tickling Ed's chest. He could feel Rin's breathing and heartbeat against his bare shoulder blades.
            After the initial shock wore off and the events of the evening before trickled back in, he relaxed. He gently shifted onto his back, carefully moving Rin to hold him on his chest. Ed buried his face in the soft dark hair and closed his eyes, ready to fall back asleep, when Rin stirred. Ed felt his muscles tense as he realized, then relax when he remembered like Ed had.
            "Good morning,"
            "Morning," Ed mumbled, still with a face full of hair. He rubbed circles into Rin's back and felt him sigh with contentment.
            "That was a pretty stupid thing to do last night,"
            "Let's...not think about that,"
            "So you don't regret it?" Rin sat up just enough to look Ed in the eyes.
            "I don't know how I feel I guess," Ed tucked his fingers under Rin's chin and ran his thumb along his bottom lip, "Regret—definitely not though."
            He kissed Rin and felt him smile against his lips. Pretty soon he had to break the kiss as he was smiling too, then both of them were laughing at absolutely nothing. Rin sat up and Ed started to as well, but Rin said, "Hold on, hold on, I think my tails wrapped around your leg."
             "I don't feel it,"
             "No, the other leg. See," Rin had lifted up the sheets and his tail was wound around Ed's metal leg, "It's like a vine. It has a mind of its own."
             He got his tail loose and as he was setting the sheets back down he asked, "Are you really that cold? I can hear you shaking."
             "That's not me,"
             "Then what's that clanking sound?"
             Ed looked over Rin's shoulder and all the color drained from his face as if he had seen a ghost. Rin twisted around, following his gaze and froze. In the doorway stood Yukio and Al. Al was trembling. The four of them stared in silence for a beat before everyone spoke at once.
             "Holy shit!"
             "Oh my gosh!"
             "We can explain!"
             "It's not what it looks like,"
             "Rin," Yukio said through his teeth, clearly trying not to lose it completely, "Can I talk to you in the hall?"
             "Sure," Rin jumped up, just for Al and Yukio to yelp and throw their hands over their eyes.
            "Rin, put some clothes on!"

           "Rin, what we're you thinking?!"
           "I wasn't, to be honest," Rin said, still buttoning his shirt.
           "As per usual,"
           "Yukio, it's not like that—"
           "We are leaving today, Rin,"
           "My answer hasn't changed. I'm not leaving,"
           "Well, of course you won't want to after you've slept with my partner!"
           "I don't believe this!"
           "I do not believe this!"
           "What we're you thinking?! What were—Oh my gosh, if I had a stomach, I would probably puke!"
           "It's not that big of a deal. You were the one trying to get us together anyways," Ed pointed out, sitting on the bed, fastening his belt.
           "Yeah, I wanted you to get to know each other, maybe kiss, not—not for you to give him your virginity!"
           "How do you know I was a virgin?"
           "Oh please! I've been right next to you—Oh, my entire life!" Al sighed, calming slightly, before musing, "I really thought I'd be the first one of us to lose my virginity."
           "No way, you're too young, Al,"
           "And you're not?"
           "Nuh-uh, I'm older,"
           "By a year!"
           "It doesn't matter, Al. They're going back to Japan..."
           "Ed," Al's voice was now gentle.
           "It's best to just put this behind me as a happy accident. That's all it was,"

           "Yukio, I think I love him,"
           Yukio's expression softened. He put his hands on his brother's shoulders, "I'm sorry, Rin. Really. But this isn't our world. Everything's already been finalized. More exorcists are on their way here."
           He watched all the fight drain from Rin. "Shura?" he asked.
           "No, not yet anyway,"
           They heard footsteps coming down the hall toward the kitchen where they stood. "So what's the plan, Yukio?" Ed asked.
           "I've been asked to help debrief the new exorcists coming here. After that, Rin and I will be going back to Tokyo," he turned to Rin now, "I have our tickets for the 3:00 train."
           Al and Ed helped the twins pack and sign over the unit they were using. They barely said a word to one another and Ed and Rin avoided each other's gaze. They had finished everything around noon, and it was time for Yukio to leave.
          "I'll come with you to help debrief," Ed said.
          "No," Yukio said, a beat too quickly, "Um...Al should come. They're treating me to lunch and—and it would be rude to bring another mouth to feed—no offense, Al."
          Al had clearly caught on to whatever Yukio was thinking. His voice was a tad too robotic, "None taken. I think that's a good idea, Yukio. I will go with you."
          "What do we do?" Rin asked.
          Yukio shrugged, "Anything. Just hang out?" he dropped the act for a second, "We need to be at the train station at three. You can meet me there if you want. Say whatever you need to say."
           With that, he and Al left, leaving Ed and Rin alone. It was an odd feeling to be alone again. The tenderness was still there, but now a crushing dread hung over it. Ed's expression was unreadable, "What should we do?"
           Rin shrugged, "Go on a walk?"

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now