Chapter 9

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*Warning: Possibly ridiculous medical scenario coming up—I'm no doctor, so just roll with it. Also mild gore*

           Rin gingerly dragged himself to his feet, watching Ed and Victor. They were both so amazing, no wonder he couldn't touch Victor. Ed however overpowered him easily, pinning him to the wall with the spear pointed at his neck. Shaking from more than the pain, Rin joined Ed.
             Victor was laughing. "What's so funny?" Rin asked, while Ed snapped, "Shut up!"
             Victor peered down at him, "It's too late."
             As if on cue, they heard a scream. "But—" Rin started.
            "He's not working alone!" Ed cried, before flipping his spear and slamming the end against Victors skull, knocking him unconscious.
           Ed and Rin raced up the stairs and back to the room and froze at the terrible sight in front of them. Yukio and Al were gone. Katie lay in the center of the devils trap. Blood poured from a deep gash across her throat. For a moment, the two boys just stared in silent horror. But then, Katie jerked, giving a ragged cough. Blood gurgled from her lips.
           "She's still alive!" Ed cried, both of them rushing to her side.
           Ed pressed his hand to her throat, desperately trying to hold the gash closed, while Rin screamed, "YUKIO!"
           Yukio turned another corner, Damn, I can't see anything.
            Al and he had followed who they thought was Victor out the window, and split up to try to corner him, but the thin alleys surrounding the hospital were pitch black and silent. That was until Yukio heard running footsteps approaching. He quickly shrank into the shadows, listening until it sounded like they were right around the corner. Then he sprang in front of the intruder, firing.
            A loud ding sounded followed by, "Whoa, whoa, friendly fire, Yukio!"
           "Sorry,  Al," Yukio grimaced, "You okay?" As he said it he pulled out a flashlight, switched it on, and nearly jumped out of his skin.
          "I'm fine, I" in the circle of yellow light, Als body could be seen stumbling back and forth without a head.
          "S—Sorry," getting a hold of himself, Yukio started searching the ground, until he found Al's head, scooped it up and planted it in his hands.
               "No sign of him?" Yukio asked, as Al reattached his head.
               "No, no Katie either,"
               "We should meet back up with Rin and—"
               He was cut off by a voice screaming, "YUKIO!"

              Yukio and Al reached the room to find Ed, Rin, and Katie—her throat slashed open. Yukio forced himself to move forward, kneeling next to Ed. He tried to hide how badly he was trembling as he took gauze from his bag and nudged Ed aside, pressing it onto the gash. "You're gonna be okay, Katie," he said to the girl, forcing each word out, "Just look at me, focus on me...keep your eyes open...concentrate on my face."
               While he said this, Yukio lifted a corner of the gauze. A stream of blood sprayed up at them. Yukio cursed and pressed the gauze back down, murmuring, "Her carotid artery is severed."
              There was a stretch of silence, before Yukio gulped out, "Rin, I need you to go in my bag and get out the red vial and a syringe."
              Rin did as he was told in silence. When the items were in his hands, Yukio ordered, "Now load it to 2 milliliters and hand it to me...Al, take over here."
              Yukio moved his hands as Al pressed down on Katie's neck and started gently speaking to her. He took the syringe from Rin and slowly deposited in the girls arm. Then he sat back, hands limp in his lap.
              After no one moved or spoke, other than Al speaking to Katie, Rin asked, impatiently,  "What did you give her? Something to stop the bleeding or what?"
             "That was morphine,"
             "Oh," Ed said, darkly.
             "What's oh? What's morphine do?" Rin begged.
             "It's an analgesic," Ed answered.
             "English, please!"
             "It's to help her pain," Al explained, "...until she..."
             Rin sat back on his heels. In the silence Yukio could hear him give a ragged exhale and he didn't seem to inhale for a long while. Ed collapsed against the wall, holding his bloodied hand out in front of him. He was white as a sheet and looked like his soul had left his body.
             The four of them didn't speak, didn't move, even as the girl in the midst of them went still.

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now