Chapter 19

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                         "I still can't believe you let Colonel Mustang get the last shot at that bastard," Ed grumbled to Yukio.
                          "What's important is that it's over,"
                          "Yeah, I guess so," Ed stuck his hands in his jacket pockets as they approached another train, "This is you?"
                            It was the next morning. The final showdown with Victor had of course caused Rin and Yukio to miss their train, but now they had tickets for the first one out that morning.
                           "Is the trip very long back to Japan?"
                           "Yeah, it's quite a ways," Yukio raised an eyebrow at Ed, "But I figure Rin will sleep through most of the trip since you kept him up most of last night..."
                            "Ah, lay off. It wasn't like that. We just talked,"
                            "Uh-huh, sure,"
                            "It's the truth, Four-Eyes,"
                            Yukio just laughed, but then turned serious as they stopped on the platform, "I want to apologize for what I said the other day. It was totally uncalled for."
                            Ed hesitated, but then said, "Forget about it. I said some awful things too."
                            The exorcist stuck out a hand, "Truce?"
                            The alchemist accepted it and shook it once, "Truce."
                            Yukio and Rin switched places. "So Rin..." Ed said, trying his best to smile. He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.
                            "You know something, Al?" Yukio said, "I need your help with something—over there."
                            "Oh, definitely, I'll give you a hand—over there," with that they went and stood over against the wall, doing nothing and absolutely, definitely not eavesdropping.
                             "Little brothers, amirite?" Rin chuckled, awkwardly.
                             "Aren't you and Yukio twins?"
                             "Well, yeah, but I'm technically older,"
                             Ed laughed, but somehow it hurt to, "You're ridiculous."
                             "Will I ever see you again?" Rin blurted. Tears were boiling in his eyes.
                             "Rin, I—"
                             "Come to True Cross Academy. There's loads of stuff to read...and—and learn...maybe you can find something to help you and Al..." Rin pressed on, "And you can meet my friends and—and..."
                             But Ed was shaking his head, "No, Rin, I'm sorry."
                             "Come on, man, humor me," Rin grumbled, sheepishly.
                             "Humor you? You want me to lie to you?"
                             Ed hesitated, before giving him a weak smile, "I'm sure I'll see you again...someday, Rin."
                             With that, Rin pulled him into a long hug. He buried his face in Ed's shoulder, trying to commit to memory the way his body felt against his, his smell, the rhythm of his breathing in Rin's ear. Finally he pulled away a bit, just to cup Ed's face and kiss him. They were only interrupted by the train whistle.
                           Rin would have sworn Ed was trembling as he pulled away. His voice shook, "You gotta get going."
                           Al and Yukio rejoined them. Rin shook hands with the younger boy, "It been one hell of a time, Al."
                          "It sure has," Al said, "Take care of yourself."
                          "You too,"
                          Ed and Yukio shook hands as well, "It was good working with you, Okumura."
                          "You too. Good luck getting your bodies back,"
                          "Thanks. Good luck wrangling Rin,"
                          Yukio laughed, "Thanks."
                           Rin hugged Ed one last time. He wished he didn't need to let go—ever.  But somehow he did and he willed his legs to carry him onto the train. But he couldn't resist sticking his head out the window when he and Yukio got to their seats to watch the blond boy standing there as long as he could.
                          As smoke billowed into the sky and the train groaned to life, Ed started, remembering something. As the train began to pick up speed, he burst into a run. Ignoring Al's cries of confusion, he called, "Rin!"
                         Ed stopped, planting his feet and bringing his hands to his mouth, "What did you want to tell me yesterday!?"
                          Rin was almost out of sight, but Ed could still hear him clearly, "Oh, just that I love you!"
                          The next second he was gone and Ed was standing there alone.
                                     "Wait, WHAT?!"

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now