Chapter 2

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             Meanwhile, Rin was still trying to yank himself free, when he heard two sets of running feet approaching. "Hey!" a voice cried, "Anyone in there?"
            "Yeah, back here!" he answered.
            A second voice replied, "Okay, you're going to be okay. We're alchemists. We can help."
            "Someone has to help Yukio. He went after him by himself," as if to confirm this, they heard gunshots near by.
            He heard the one speaking to each other, "You go, I'll get him out."
            One set of feet started running again and the next second the entire car was being lifted off the ground.

            Yukio had filled the Niberius with bullets and it was still charging. He spotted the magic circle behind the creature that had been used to summon it. It was unguarded—the suspect had fled—but there was no breaking it with the demon in the way. Yukio tried a holy water grenade. Through the mist he could hear the creature squealing in pain, but it couldn't be from the holy water. He heard a human voice cry out in pain and at the same second one of the Niberius' heads came flying out of the steam at him, followed by a human form, that crashed against the cobblestone and rolled towards him.
             "What is that thing?" the other young man asked as he jumped to his feet. He had to be about Yukio's age, blond hair and amber eyes. His red coat was specked with demon blood; one large stain had already melted through his clothes and was sizzling into the skin of his left arm. He held a large sword that was almost his height.
             "It's a demon," Yukio answered, readily. Whoever this was he seemed more than capable and was the only backup he had.
             "How do we kill it?"
             "We don't. But we can banish it back to where it came from if we break the magic circle over there. See it?"
             "Yeah, I got it. You distract the thing,"
             Yukio watched as the stranger clapped once and struck the earth with his white-gloved hands. The ground shot up from beneath him, launching him over the demons heads. The creature tried to follow, but Yukio peppered him with another volley of bullets, "Hey, down here!"
             One head turned his way, but the other tried to follow the stranger. Luckily he was already out of reach, the buildings around them seemed to shift out to catch his feet. Yukio was following his companions lithe movements out the corner of his eye, impressed, when click, click, click.
             Damn! he reached to his belt to reload, but too late! The Niberius swung at him with one paw. It was an inch from striking the exorcist, when the creature just vanished in a puff of dust. As the dust settled, Yukio saw the stranger standing in the magic circle with one foot thrust out in front of him, breaking one white line. The next second, he dropped down on one knee, panting. Yukio collapsed to the cobblestone too in relief.
             After a moment of eyeing each other warily, Yukio pushed himself to his feet and walked over to the stranger. He gestured to his wounded arm, an ugly dark burn marring the flesh, "Let me treat that. It's a demon temp-taint."
             The stranger shifted to sit cross legged on the ground, in the midst of the remnants of the magic circle, and Yukio did the same. His companion reluctantly stripped off the coat and Yukio stifled a look of shock. The other young man's other arm was gone, replaced by an impressive metal prosthesis. He quickly tore his eyes away and to the remaining arm that he was treating.
             As he placed aloe vera and dressed the wound, the stranger stated, matter-of-factly, "You're an exorcist."
             Yukio nodded, replying in the same tone, "And you're an alchemist."
             The stranger nodded back. Finished treating him, Yukio stood up and brushed off his hands, gazing out at the damaged street, "Well, thank goodness you were here, I might have been history."
              The stranger stood up, putting his coat back on (it was somehow mended), "Don't mention it. What are you doing in Central?"
              "I'm working on a case with a state alchemist. Maybe you know him—Edward Elric?"
              The other man smirked at him, cheekily, "Well, sure, I know him well. He's me."
              Yukio started, "Oh, I see! Well, nice to meet you."
              He held out his hand, but Edward hesitated.
              "I dunno. This is usually the part where you say 'You're so young' or 'so small'."
              He said the latter with extreme bitterness. Yukio laughed, "How old are you?"
              Ah, so that's what they meant when they said we'd get along. "Same as me," he replied, holding up his ID, "I'm Yukio Okumura, Intermediate Exorcist, First Class. I turn sixteen this December."
              Edward's face softened and he shook Yukio's hand. Before they had let go, two new voices called out.
              Two figures were racing down the street towards them. One was Rin, the other, more alarming figure, was a man in a giant suit of armor. When they had joined the two, Rin gazed around, "What the hell happened?!"
              "I caught up to our ambusher, but he sicced his familiar on us, a Niberius, and he got away,"
              "Who's us?"
              Yukio gestured to Edward, "Rin, this is Edward Elric. Edward, my twin brother, Rin Okumura."

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now