Chapter 15

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          "So did you grow up in Central?" Rin asked, as they strolled down the side wall, holding hands.
          Ed chuckled, "Oh, hell no."
          "Where's home then?"
          "Resembool, little village a few hours southeast of here,"
          "Didn't think you were a country person,"
          "Really? No, this city gets too loud, too busy,"
          "You should see Tokyo,"
          "Maybe someday I will," Ed gave Rin a half smile that made the exwire gulp, "Sometimes it's nice, but I miss the open space."
          "Me, I've never been to the country,"
          They stopped on the sidewalk outside an ice cream shop. Ed turned to Rin, "You would like Resembool. I know it."
          "Maybe someday I'll go," Rin winked, before heading inside. Ed had to stand on the sidewalk for a moment and recollect himself.
          When he stepped inside, he found the shop quite crowded. Ed pushed past a few patrons loitering by the door to catch up to Rin. He reached out and laced his fingers through Rin's to keep from getting separated. The other boy jumped.
           "What?" Ed laughed.
           But Rin was thoroughly puzzled, "I thought you were right next to me. Didn't you say something to me just now?"
           "Nope," Ed laughed again, "See? Just like I was saying—too loud."
           Rin shrugged it off and chuckled.
           A few minutes later they stepped back out on the sidewalk with their ice cream. "I'm telling you," Rin was saying between licks, "You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of ice cream they get. You get strawberry—classic, simple, but it's more exciting than vanilla."
           "So what about you? You got cookies and cream?"
           "Means I'm fun, sweet, little rough around the edges maybe,"
           "Where'd you get that?"
           "The crunch, duh!"
           Ed laughed. They stopped on a bridge overlooking a canal that ran though the city. He leaned his elbows on the wall, "This feels wrong, doesn't it?"
            "We're laughing and eating ice cream when we should be doing our job,"
             Rin sighed, thinking about what Yukio said, "Yeah..." The right words wouldn't come so instead he blurted, "So...what kind of music do you like?"
             "Huh?...Oh, not a music person I guess,"
             "What about you?"
             "Oh, I love Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy—"
             "These are people?"
              "They're bands. You've never heard of them? Damn, you really do live in another time,"
              They kept talking and sharing stories, asking random questions. Both ice creams were gone when they lapsed into silence. "It's two thirty," Ed said suddenly, "We should go or you'll miss your train."
              He turned and started walking, but Rin was frozen. His lungs felt heavy. I have to say something.
              "Ed, I need to tell just...I need you to know," deep breath, "I am comp—"
              He was cut off by what felt like a bolt of electricity shooting through his body. He cried out, doubling over. He could hear Ed, "Rin, what's wrong?!"
               "Stay back!" Rin choked out, "Ed, stay—!"
               He burst into blue flames. Passersby on the street screamed and Ed jumped back on instinct. He surged forward again to try to help him, but the flames flared out, blindingly bright and blue. The next second they had dimmed and then vanished altogether and Rin was gone.

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now