Chapter 8

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           Rin slipped a sheathed blue katana from the carrying case he always had on his back. Ed watched from the ground at Victor's feet, confused, but with a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.
             As Rin drew the sword, he burst into brilliant blue flames. They covered his entire body, but what was maybe worse still was the change in his face. His cute pointed ears stuck out the sides of his head, long and thin. The elongated canines were long, curved fangs that let a snarl escape. And his eyes—they were almost catlike with irises the same shade as the flames and blood red pupils. A long black tail lashed at the air behind him.
             Rin slashed through the air with a flourish before holding the sword out in front of him, daring Victor to attack. Instead the other alchemist laughed in glee, "You're a demon! And a powerful one at that! Forget that girl! I'll drink you dry and be unstoppable!"
            "I'd like to see you try!" Rin cried back, "Come on then!"
            Victor stepped over Ed like he was trash. Meanwhile, Ed realized he was staring wide-eyed at Rin, mouth dropped open. He forced himself to look away, clenching his fists. A million thoughts tore through his mind, Rin! He was a demon this whole time! How could I have been so blind?
               What about Yukio—they're twins, so is he one...or does he even know?
                "Ed!" Rin cried, snapping him back to reality, "Get back to Al and Yukio and help that girl. I got this guy!"
              They met eyes. Though the exterior didn't match, that was still Rin. It was almost comical. I'll figure this shit out later, Ed decided. Pulling himself to his feet, he forced himself to run for the stairs. Victor tried to follow, but had to dodge the blue flaming sword, swinging at him. "Hey, you're dealing with me!" Rin snapped, "Let's dance!"
              Against his better judgement, Ed paused at the base of the stairs. Rin wasn't a terrible fighter and it was clear he matched Victors super-charged speed, strength, and agility. But even as they danced across the demolished entryway and even as Rin swung harder and faster and the strange blue fire surrounding him burned more and more ferociously, they couldn't leave a scratch on one another.
             He'll just burn himself out if he keeps going like this,
                Just then, Rin looked over his shoulder and met Ed's eyes. "Ed, go! Now!"
               The last word was almost drown out by a gunshot. Rin cried out and dropped. "Holy silver bullets!" Victor panted, "Stings, doesn't it?"
               Ed hesitated where he stood for a split second before racing to the demon. At the same moment he dropped to his knees at Rins side, he struck the ground with his palms. The rubble nearby collected in front of him and collided with Victor, throwing him. The man scrambled to his feet and ran for the gun that he dropped, but Ed was faster again, melting it into a puddle of plastic and silver.

            Through the haze of pain in his abdomen, Rin could hear Ed's voice speaking to him, "Rin, hang in there!"
            He was rolled onto his back and, opening his eyes to slits, saw Ed's face peering down at him. He also saw Victor stalking closer, drawing a dagger from his coat. "Get out of here," he begged.
            "I'm not leaving you,"
            Ed's head snapped up as Victor called out, "Do you have any idea what you're protecting, boy?! That's a demon and not any demon. The blue flames all over him can only be produced by the offspring of Satan himself!"
            Ed jumped to his feet, facing Victor. Rin watched him strip off the shredded red jacket. Ed's right arm gleamed silver, exposed in all its glory. From where he lay, Rin could see where flesh and muscle turned into metal, screws, bolts, seams, and parts Rin couldn't name.
             "I don't care what he is," as Ed spoke he clapped his hands once, but instead of touching the ground, he stuck one hand out to the side as a spear rose from the stone into his grasp. He brandished it in front of him, "He's my friend and you're not going to touch him!"

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now