Chapter 3

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Rin almost passed out from relief at seeing Yukio in one piece, but now as he stood there, he felt faint for another reason. The young man who stood beside his younger brother was a good few inches shorter than himself, but he had a presence that made it hard to breathe. He fixed Rin with a pair of piercing gold eyes under a veil of blond bangs.

Rin Okumura. Something about him seemed off to Ed. Maybe it was the pointy ears or the fangs, but it was hard to focus with those soft, blue eyes looking at him. Yukio had said they were twins, but they seemed nothing alike, and not just in physical appearance. Yukio seemed calculated and poised, while this one—Ed could tell—kept his heart on his sleeve. The fangy grin he gave him as they were introduced made him weak in the knees.

"Waddup?!" Rin greeted him.
"Please stop greeting everyone like that, Rin!" Yukio cried, turning red, "It's unprofessional."
"Don't worry about it," Edward said, turning to Rin, "You can call me Ed, and you've already met my brother, Al."
"Sure. He yanked me out of that wreck,"
"Yeah, and you thanked me by nearly taking my head off," Al snapped.
Rin shrugged, sheepishly, "I was startled by that get-up of yours."
As Al and Ed stammered for a reply, Yukio spoke up, "We should get back to that car and make sure those other two are alright, then we get to work."
As they started back towards the alley, he added, "I was going to suggest we start with a demon temp-taint ritual, but our mystery man took care of that."
"What's a temp-taint anyway?" Ed asked.
"A wound left by a demon. It's needed in order to see demons, so without it, you wouldn't be much use," Yukio gestured to Al, "We'll still need to do the ritual for your brother though."
Al chuckled nervously, "I don't think that's gonna work so great."
"How come?"

"You're joking," Yukio gasped.
"Wish that I was,"
"So he'" Rin croaked out.
"Hollow," Ed rapped his knuckles on Al's stomach and the sound rang out along the walls of the alley. Al didn't even seem to notice. "That's how I lost my arm."
"Wait, what's this about your arm?" Rin asked.
Ed didn't reply as they had reached the scene of the wreck to find several more cars there and the area swarming with blue suits.
One of the officers noticed the four standing by the entrance to the alley and called, "Fullmetal!"
As they approached him, Rin echoed to Ed, "Fullmetal?"
"Yeah, kind of like a code name,"
"Sweet! Do I get one?"
The officer they approached had dark hair and eyes. He addressed Ed directly, "What happened here? Who are these two?"
"We barely know ourselves, Colonel. And these are those exorcists from Tokyo,"
Yukio flashed his ID and badge, again saying, "Yukio Okumura, Intermediate Exorcist, First Class. And this is—"
"Rin Okumura, Exwire, no class. Greetings," Rin said, deepening his voice to a ridiculous octave.
Yukio slapped his hand over his face, embarrassed at his brother's idea of a more professional greeting. "My brother. He's here to observe," he said through gritted teeth, "You must be Colonel Mustang?"
"That's right,"
Rin didn't hear what was said next as Ed had leaned in and murmured to him, "I think you'd be better off with 'Waddup?'."
He flushed red but mostly from the feeling of Ed's warm breath on his neck. He scrambled for something equally witty to say, but the other boy had already rejoined Yukio and the Colonel. "It's most likely whoever this was knew you were coming to Central to hunt them down and wanted to get you out of the way."
"I agree," Yukio said, "So he's already onto us. And that means the Elrics might be in danger too."
"Not to mention, you all fit the killer's profile,"
"Profile?" Rin echoed.
"So far all three victims have been between the ages of thirteen and nineteen," he elaborated.
He was met with four cold looks as Ed murmured what they were all thinking, "So naturally we four are the ones for the job?"
"Maybe one of us could be bait," Rin said, sarcastically.
Mustang handed Yukio a stack of files, "This is everything we have on the case." He turned to Ed, "I expect an update by the end of the week."
To Rin's surprise and delight, Ed tucked his hands behind his head and walked away, "Yeah, yeah, come on guys, better get started."
"Alright! Wait for me!" he cried, eagerly, scooping his and Yukio's stuff off the sidewalk.
"Here, let me give you a hand," Al offered. The two started chatting away, while Ed continued to walk away smugly and a humiliated Yukio stammered an apology and farewell to Mustang.

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now