Chapter 7

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               "This place gives me the creeps," Rin whispered, as the four of them stepped into the mental hospital.
              "It's crawling with koltars," Yukio grumbled.
              "That's what these things are?" Ed asked waving away a few of the flying demons.
              "Yep, they like dark, quiet places and were probably drawn to the evil energy of this place too,"
              "I still think we should have gone straight here," Al said.
              "This is Victors turf," Yukio replied, "We have to prepare for anything he dishes out. And we don't know what state we'll find Katie in (they had learned the victims name). I needed medical supplies."
              No one argued as they mounted the stairs. The next level was a hallway with doors leading into smaller rooms. The first room on the right had the door blown off and they could hear movement inside. Yukio drew his gun, Ed transformed his metal arm into a sharp point that encased his fist, and Rin clutched the strap of Kurikara's case.
             One by one, they entered to find a damning sight. Katie lay in the fetal position, sobbing, in the center of the room in the midst of a large devils trap. The room was lit with only a few candles and the only furniture—a small table and cot—were littered with books, rope, an athime, and a large goblet. A half-drawn transmutation circle, slightly smaller than the devils trap was in the corner as well.
             "Katie?" Rin kneeled by the girl. She seemed like she wasn't possessed anymore, but he could feel the overwhelming energy inside her as he lifted her up to face him.
             Ed had stepped past them to the books on the cot, "These are books on alchemy."
             After a moment, he looked up at the three of them, eyes wide and face contorted in horror, "I know what he's doing."
            He handed the book to Al, "See there?" before addressing Rin and Yukio, "He's enslaving the demons somehow. And then...drinking their..." he gulped, "Blood."
            Al added, "He's using the alchemy to break down the demon blood—concentrate it. It's all right here—how to do it. He said he wanted to be stronger. This concoction would do it!"
           Just then, Katie's eyes drifted over Rin's shoulder and she started screaming hysterically.
          "What is it, Katie?" Rin followed her gaze, only to find a raised foot kicking him off her, then pinning him to the floor by the neck.
          "So you rascals found my hiding place?" Victor mused, "Well, that just can't do, can it? I'll have to kill you all, starting with this one."
          He pulled a gun from his coat and aimed it at Rin. Ed lunged, swinging his right arm at Victor, who easily dodged. Sparks flew from both their fingertips at once. Rin couldn't decipher what either had aimed to do, but the next second he was falling. The wall and part of the floor had been blown out, throwing Ed, Victor, and himself to the large entryway a level below.
           As the smoke cleared, Yukio and Al heard Katie scream again followed by shattering glass. The girl was gone, the single window in the room broken. "Come on!" Yukio cried.
           On the lower level, Rin struggled to his feet, numb with adrenaline. The first thing he saw was Ed's still form a few feet from him. The second was Victor a few feet from Ed. He was also getting to his feet. Rin's tail had come loose from his shirt, but he didn't care. He scooped up Kurikara and stumbled forward, "Ed?!...Ed, come on! Get up!"
           Victor was also closing in on the alchemist, pausing to pick up his gun. Just then, Ed stirred. Rolling onto his stomach, he pushed himself up a few inches, and spat blood onto the stone. A trail of blood was making its way down the side of his face. He cast a glance at Rin, before turning his sights on Victor who loomed over him now. Grimacing with the effort, Ed tried to stand to face him, but he got one foot under him, when Victor kicked him back to the ground, rolling his eyes and laughing.
            Ed met Rin's eyes from the ground. He was down. The look in those amber disks made something in Rin's chest clench. He ground his teeth, jaw trembling with the tension. It was up to him now.
            And he wasn't leaving a scratch on this monster like this.
            Rin dropped Kurikara's case on the ground. Victor was just pointing his gun at Ed's head, when Rin shouted, "Leave him alone! I'm the one you want to mess with!"
            Victor scoffed, "And why's that?"
           Instead of answering, Rin lifted Kurikara up to eye level, silently begging, Please don't hate me, Ed!
             And drew it.

Alchemist/Exorcist (FMA: Brotherhood x Blue Exorcist) RinxEd)Where stories live. Discover now