Chapter Two - An Appropriate Attitude

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"Now we've successfully established an appropriate attitude, we can move on to the reason why you are here. Have you worked it out yet?"

"Because I accidentally threw gherkins at your car... and sprayed you with cider?" she tried.

"Fortunately for you, I am prepared to accept that both regrettable incidents were accidents. Were I not, this discussion would already have taken on a significantly more... physical... aspect. So please think again. Why have I had you brought here?"

She gave a slight sigh. "Because I thought it was funny," she admitted.

"Correct. You were insufficiently contrite and deferential. Had your apologies at the time been adequate, I would have been minded to allow the matter to pass..."

"Listen, I really am sorry. I..."

Silly little girl! A sharp flick of my wrist drew a satisfactory squeak of pain.

It took her a surprisingly long time to work out what had just happened.

"What on..." she began but another quick flick stunned her into silence.

She struggled to look up and around and her eyes turned wide in shock when she saw the riding crop in my hand. She stared at it for a short time but it was too much of a strain to hold her head like that so she had to let it flop back down.

"Why was I obliged to chastise you?" I asked.

It took her a couple of seconds to work it out but she got there in the end. "Oh yeah... you told me I wasn't supposed to talk."

"My exact words, please."

She hesitated for a moment until she managed to work out the consequences of obstinacy. "Little girls should be seen and not heard," she repeated compliantly.

"Correct!" I said as I reached down to ruffle her unruly hair. "Good little girl."

I was quiet for a while as I appreciated the sight of her squirming both with indignation and, I'm sure, with discomfort.

"As it happens," I went on at last, "I had some important business associates in the car at the time you made your regrettable mistake... associates in front of whom I cannot afford to lose face. I am going to be entertaining these gentlemen again, in a couple of weeks, and you are going to be attending that meeting... as an object lesson as to the consequences of failing to pay me the deference I demand."

She stiffened up but managed to keep her mouth closed.

"You may ask your question," I told her.

"Are you going to... you know... do horrible stuff to me?" she asked. The utterly exposed position was making her feel deliciously vulnerable.

"If you are concerned that you will be raped, then I can assure you that you are completely safe in that regard. I expect my women to come crawling to me, begging for the satisfaction that only I can give them..."

Her captivating, little rosebud definitely twitched at that idea. I know. I was having difficulty keeping my eyes off it!

"But if you are referring to physical chastisement, I can make no such promises."

Again, I gave her the chance to say something she would regret but she managed to avoid doing so.

"So now we come to the matter of your punishment..."

"No... please..." she gasped.

I didn't bother saying anything. A quick flick of the wrist and she was silent again.

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