Chapter Five - Dinner for Two

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As I strode into the Dining Hall, I paused to take in the scene.

The hall is long and lined with dark, wooden panels and its understated splendour is one of the features that drew me to Dendean House. The high table is set on a dais at the far end with a row of ordinary tables along each side, stretching down in a 'U' shape. And the hall looked particularly magnificent tonight. The golden evening sunshine was sparkling off the three magnificent crystal chandeliers and was giving all the dark wood a warm, lustrous glow.

Though it could comfortably seat twenty, this evening, there would only be the two of us dining. I was to assume my customary place at the centre of the high table so I had had one of the other tables moved round in front of it for my little guest. She had evidently worked out the seating arrangements and recognised that she would be expected to remain standing until I arrived.

The little pixie did not turn when I appeared and the rigid set of her shoulders told me that she resented this treatment

I smiled slightly at her reaction but I was much more interested in the way the white, chemise style dress clung to the slight curve of her bottom and displayed those shapely legs to their best advantage. Her hair was a wild mess of red curls and, like her bare arms, legs and feet, it seemed to accentuate her innocence.

I stood and appreciated the sight for a moment then strode down the room, with the antique parquet flooring echoing under my feet.

Her huge eyes widened even further when she saw me. I know I looked good in that dinner jacket... but I certainly appreciated the effect I was having on her... and I particularly enjoyed the fact that I was having this effect when she thought that she hated me.

I took my place and deliberately took a few seconds to make myself comfortable before giving her a nod. "You may sit," I told her. A little twitch of irritation flashed across her face but I could see she was trying to control it.

"I have no wish to be gratuitously cruel," I explained when she was comfortable, "but these minor manifestations of authority are critical in establishing precedence. They drive primitive instincts deep within the human subconscious - particularly the female. So you stand in my presence until I permit you to do otherwise. You control your reactions, even when you are frustrated, and you always address me as 'Sir'."

She opened her mouth to reply but no words came out so I gave her a little smile. "Good girl," I said. "These constraints will become much less troubling... and I will impose them less rigorously... once you stop fighting them. Do you understand?"

She gave a sigh and a slight nod but of course I waited until she produced the dutiful, "Yes, Sir," I demanded.

"Case in point!" I said with a laugh. "However, for the rest of the evening, you are to be my guest. You may speak freely and, as long as you keep the worst excesses of your temper under control, there will be no unpleasant consequences for you."

She relaxed visibly and allowed a slight smile to leak out. "Thank you, Sir," she said.

I smiled back and then nodded to the camera which I knew James would be monitoring.

Of course, he appeared at once and I was amused to see that he served my guest first. To be fair, that is the convention and I had not specifically instructed him to do otherwise.

I was watching the little pixie carefully and observed another hint of a smile as the plate was placed in front of her... it was a particularly elegant dish with roast pomegranate and a selection of multicoloured salad leaves with the lightest of vinaigrette dressings.

We waited whilst James poured the wine then I leaned down to touch my glass against hers. "I hope that you are able to enjoy your time here with me," I told her.

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