Chapter Twenty-Three - Zannale

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[Note Zannale is pronounced Tzan-nar-ler.]

That evening, after dinner, I took my little pixie up to my study. As I sat in my favourite wingback armchair, she knelt just in front of me, close to the fire. I had a small brandy and she was drinking a glass of the red wine that we had enjoyed with dinner.

"After telling you that you are free to leave, this morning, I'm afraid that I have to restrict your freedom of movement," I told her. "Following a couple of incidents, including your revelation about my visitors from Berlin, we held a security review this morning and it was pointed out that you were a potential target for people wanting to attack me."

"Oh!" she responded. "I hadn't even thought of that."

"I have made arrangements to allow you to attend university," I explained, "but you will have an armed bodyguard with you at all times, including in the lectures and so on. That has been approved by the authorities."

She nodded though she looked somewhat stunned.

"But other than that, I cannot allow you to leave the estate. It is simply not safe for you to do so."

She gave another nod but then asked, "Can't I even go to my yoga class?"

"I'm afraid that will not be possible. However, we can arrange for a private tutor to come here, if you like."

"Won't that be a bit expensive?"

I smiled - indeed, I had to swallow a laugh. My little pixie evidently did not have the slightest inkling of quite how wealthy I was. "No," I managed to reply at last. "That will not be a problem."

"Then thank you!"

I gave her a smile then went on, "I recognise that this is an enormous imposition and I will make it up to you in any way I can - for example, the other two can come here anytime you like - but I have to insist that you follow the rules."

I took her two hands in mine and looked her straight in the eye. "Please will you promise me that you will do exactly as you are told in this?" I asked. "I simply could not bear it if anything were to happen to you."

She met my eye and calmly replied, "Yes, Sir, I promise I'll be good." She paused for a few seconds then added, "But can you at least tell me what's going on?"

I went quiet for a while as I considered how much I could tell her and how best to answer her.

But she suddenly started to burble when she thought she might have offended me. So I just held up a finger and said, "Shush!"

She shushed and I kept thinking and, at last, I decided that she deserved to know the truth... or, at least, a part of the truth.

"Very well, I can tell you a little. It relates to my first serious girlfriend."

"Is that the Zannale person?"

"How did you know that?"

"I kind of guessed! I mean... you keep accidentally calling me by her name!"

"Do I? How extraordinarily rude of me... my most sincere apologies!"

She just smiled.

"It also relates to a question you asked a while ago about where all the money came from."

She nodded and settled down a little more comfortably, draping an arm across my knee and resting her chin on it.

"When I was in my final year at University, I got to know a lovely young lady called Zannale... not much older than you are now. Independently, the two of us had already managed to work out that she was a natural submissive, just as I am a natural dominant. And over the course of a couple of months, we gradually learnt... gradually taught each other, I suppose... what that really meant."

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