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And, as the car sped homewards through the black of the night, I thought about the loose ends.

There was still the small matter of what to do with James. He had betrayed me and nobody who did that was allowed to live.

But, then again, I was not the same person that I had been four hours before. I understood and could sympathise with his reasons for that betrayal and I was confident that it would never be repeated. What is more, killing him would serve no purpose. He posed no further threat to me.

And, if I was going to turn myself back into a human from the monster I had been, perhaps that would be the place to start.

In fact, I could even offer him his job back.

He was tremendously efficient, after all.

I did have to kill Smiler, though. He was too unpleasant and too savagely unpredictable to be allowed back out into the real world.

And he, quite literally, knew where all the bodies were buried.

Then there remained the problem of what to do about Thomas.

A hint of dawn was lighting up the eastern sky as we rolled down the drive towards Dendean House. I went straight down to the security office to tell them they could dial back the security level.

It was no surprise to find Thomas was there, waiting for me, so I sat down backwards on one of the chairs, rested my chin on the backrest and briefly told him what had happened in London.

"So," I concluded, "I have decided to disengage from my illegitimate enterprises and have been trying to understand what that means for you." I rubbed my hand through my hair - I was tired and suffering from acute adrenaline withdrawal.

"I can offer you a place in my downgraded security force, of course, but, now that I am turning legitimate, I am not convinced that it would provide the level of excitement you are looking for."

He nodded,

"Or I could send you on your way with a significant bonus and call you in as a consultant, whenever I require your specialist skills."

He gave another nod.

"Alternatively, should you be looking for a significant position in a criminal enterprise, I happen to know a young woman who is going to need all the support she can get. I would be more than happy to provide you with a personal recommendation."

He gave a smile at that idea.

"One thing, however," I paused briefly, "if you remain intent on investigating the contents of Emily's underwear, you are going to have to promise me that you, too, will turn legitimate. I am not prepared to allow her to associate with a criminal!"

We shared a small laugh at the irony of that statement.

I stood up and stretched my back as he thought about it. It had been a long night.

"Don't answer me now," I told him with a yawn. "We are both much too tired. Let's talk it over in the morning."

Still yawning, I went upstairs to my bedroom... but I was pulled up short when I discovered that my little pixie was not there.

However, after a few moments of shock, I realised that the light was still on in my study. She was still there, in her perfect submissive pose, and it looked as if she had not moved - though somebody had clearly been taking care of the fire.

Maybe it was Emily.

I took a seat in my favourite armchair and let out a deep, heartfelt sigh as I felt the strain of the last few days, weeks, months and even years lifting from my shoulders.

I stroked my hand through her hair to bring her out of that passive state and she looked up at me and gave me a smile, a beautiful, warm, gentle smile.

When I told her what I had agreed with Susana, her enormous green eyes shone in the firelight. There was no need for her to say anything. I knew that she hated that side of my life almost as much as I hated it myself.

"So, this is the start of a new life for me," I told her. "A life that I have not been able to properly enjoy since that fateful day in London... almost seven years ago now."

I paused for a moment, hardly believing what I was about to say next.

"And I would like you to be at my side when I start this new life. Will you be my own little pixie for now and for all times? Will you marry me?"

For a moment she was silent... stunned.

Then she jumped to her feet and hopped up onto my lap so that she was kneeling across my legs, and started covering my face with her little kisses.

"I take it you like that idea!" I laughed.

My Little PixieWhere stories live. Discover now