Chapter Sixteen - Best Served Cold

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About a week later, Elizabeth came for a visit at my particular invitation. I greeted her at the door and she surprised me slightly by approaching me, expecting a hug and a kiss.

"You're looking good!" I said, holding her back so I could inspect her. "Have you lost weight already?"

"A bit," she answered, "but mostly, I think, it's the fact that I'm eating properly and doing all that exercise stuff. It's making me feel so much healthier."

"You certainly look much happier in your own skin," I said as I led her off through the house.

"I do, thanks."

"Well, I have good news for you. The agency that I commissioned reports that it has successfully had all instances of those photos removed from the Internet. That particular group enjoys a certain reputation and, as soon as the website operators received the 'cease and desist' notification, they could not take them down fast enough."

She surprised me by wrapping me up in another huge hug. There were tears in her eyes.

And I, in turn, surprised her by leading her down the flight of stairs that led to my cellar. I had previously made it unambiguously clear that the girls were not allowed down there.

"I have invited you here to do me a small favour," I explained, in answer to her unasked question, as I led her along a corridor. There were a couple of security guards on duty but they jumped to their feet when they saw me. "There is a job that needs to be done but, you see, I have a particular distaste for having anything to do with another man's genitalia..."

"But I don't want to go touching a strange man's... junk!" She was evidently astonished that I would even suggest such a thing.

I gave her an enigmatic smile as we walked down to the last door on the corridor and opened it. It was not locked. There was no need.

She stood in the doorway for a short time, looking perplexed. But then her face split into an enormous smile. "Well! Hello, Micky!" she said. "I've been wanting to see you like this for such a long time."

The worm who had made the last five years of her life a living hell had been stripped naked and stretched backwards over a table with his wrists and ankles secured to the floor.

"But I still don't want to go touching his... his thing," she managed to say at last. "I had more than enough of that before!"

"You don't have to touch it!" I assured her. "All you have to do is operate this for me." I showed her a small device which consisted of a short metal bar joined to a plastic handle with a large red button. "You can think of it as a cattle prod," I explained

But, still, she looked puzzled. So I felt obliged to demonstrate. I held the device against Mickey's stomach and pressed the button. He screamed and his whole body spasmed violently.

"You don't want to press the button whilst you're touching the pointy end!" I explained as I handed it to her. "But, otherwise, it's reasonably safe and quite straightforward to use."

"No! Please!" he gasped.

When I gave Elizabeth a nod, she touched the thing against his penis and pressed the button. The spasm this time was even more satisfactory.

"Right, Michael. I expect you now understand the reason that I have had you brought here. It is payback time for the years of misery you caused for my friend Elizabeth. Revenge, I think you're going to find, is a dish best served cold?"

I sent a questioning look in Elizabeth's direction and she responded with an enthusiastic nod.

"Just so you know... this is what you have to look forward to , over the next couple of days..."

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