Chapter Nineteen - Interview with a Photographer

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I led her to a desk at the back of the club, next to the door which gives access to the private booths and the office area beyond. The floor manager must have recognised me because he jumped to his feet with a, "Good evening, Sir!"

"Good evening. Is one of the mirror rooms available for the next two hours?"

"One moment, please..." He sat down and started typing at his booking system... "I can shuffle things around..." more typing... "and let you have number three."

I was not surprised to see that the security guard was exceptionally alert, following the earlier incident, but he must have recognised me because he swung the door open for us. I led my little pixie down the corridor to room number three and showed her inside.

Of course I was completely familiar with the layout of the room - all our performance spaces are essentially identical - but the fact that I had such a wonderfully innocent creature with me, made me look at it in a whole new way.

The room was brightly lit and the whole of the far wall was one big mirror. In the middle of the room was one of our customised, adjustable beds - they can be converted into a whole range of configurations, according to the requirements of the dominant and his choice of scene. Attached to the ceiling was a secure frame with a variety of winches and mounting points. Should the dominant so choose, his victim can be suspended from it.

"Take off your dress and climb up on the bed," I told her as I unclipped the lead from her collar. "Adopt your submissive pose, facing the mirror."

Of course she did as she was told, without hesitation.

I watched her for a moment with a slight smile as her eyes took on the glazed look of perfect subservience. She was truly beautiful and the narrow collar - which marked her so clearly as my property - seemed to accentuate her nakedness. "I have work to do and may be gone for some time. You are not to move. Nobody else will enter the room."

She showed not a flicker of reaction but I knew that she was listening.

I thought for a moment then added, "You understand, of course, that the mirror is one way glass. Everyone in the club is free to appreciate your exquisite body and your display of perfect obedience."

Though she twitched slightly at the thought, she almost managed to control her reaction and I am certain that nobody but I would have noticed.

"I know your performance will be beyond reproach so, upon my return, I shall reward you." I reinforced my promise by rubbing my fingers up and down her spine and then left the room.

I made my way up the stairs and walked straight into the club manager's office without knocking. It is stated quite explicitly in the contracts of all my managers that I reserve the right to do so. I see it as a point of principle - he should be doing nothing in there that he is not comfortable with me seeing.

He was talking to his head of security and they both jumped to their feet when they saw me.

"Relax," I told them. "I presume you have not done anything wrong. After all, you are the ones who caught the guy."

They relaxed a little.

"Is there anything new?" I asked.

"We secured Lord Barton, the guy's sponsor, when he arrived tonight. I had a quick word with him and I'm convinced he knows nothing."

"A bit of feigned respect for the title and a small amount of cash in exchange for his sponsorship?" I suggested.

"That's what it looks like."

I thought about this.

I would have to ensure that Lord Barton was present when the time came to dispose of the photographer. That would encourage him to keep quiet about the incident. In fact, I could allow him to pull the trigger. The certainty of ten years in prison should ensure that he kept his mouth very tightly closed!

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