Chapter Forty - ... Becomes Loud

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By the end of the third evening, my tension must have become too much for the three Musketeers.

I was mildly surprised, when I went up to my room to change for dinner, to find that my dinner jacket had been laid out for me.

It took me a few seconds to work out what was going on but I got there in the end and, by the time I reached the dining room, I was not surprised to find my little pixie there, standing in front of high table, wearing her black dress which she knew was my favourite. She had her back to me, of course, and did not turn when I entered the room.

I strode purposefully towards her and waited for a moment because I knew she would appreciate the anticipation. Then I planted a few tender kisses on the back of her neck and down her back. She managed to remain silent but squirmed a little.

"Where are the other two?" I asked as I ran a hand over her bottom, finding it gratifyingly unencumbered by underwear.

"I organised a takeaway for them and asked them to get lost so that we have the evening all to ourselves," she replied, turning round and kissing me on the lips. "Please would you sort out the wine while I go and collect the salad."

I thoroughly enjoyed that meal. Though I do not mind having the other two around, the ambience is completely different when I have my little pixie all to myself. We relaxed and laughed and chatted and generally had a good time.

When we had finished, she took me by the hand and tried to lead me from the room but I hesitated. "What about all the crockery and so on?" I asked.

"It will be dealt with in the morning," she reassured me. "Come on, we agreed that you didn't have to worry about that sort of stuff."

She took me up to my study, guided me into my favourite armchair and poured me a comfortably large brandy. Then she slipped out of her dress and knelt in front of me in her perfect submissive pose.

For a few minutes, my brain was still buzzing with a myriad of 'what if' type thoughts relating to the Mylar group. But, before long, the tranquillity of the room, coupled with the perfect kneeling pixie in front of me, drove them out of my mind. For the first time in several days, I relaxed, appreciating the calm of my study... and the perfect 'Tableau Vivant'... and the brandy.

I do not know how long I sat there but, by the time I reached down and stroked my pixie's hair, my glass was empty. She blinked slightly, as she came out of the zone, and gave me an enormous smile.

Then, still naked, she took me by the hand and let me along to my 'Room of Reflection'. There, she draped herself, lengthwise, along the vaulting horse, face down. She did not say a word. She did not have to!

I chuckled slightly - my naughty little pixie knew me much too well!

I secured her wrists to rings on the side of the horse and her ankles to an extra-long spreader bar that left her splayed deliciously wide open for me.

Then I raised the bed of the horse slightly so her feet were just off the floor, rendering her that little bit more helpless and vulnerable.

For a while, I simply stood there, appreciating the aesthetics of her exhibition. I could tell that she was enjoying the experience too because an intense groan came rumbling from deep within her throat.

So I selected her favourite bullet vibrator and, with copious quantities of lubricant and massage, I eased it into her bottom.

Then I went to collect a cane... a light, stingy one... this was a reward, after all! And, when I returned, I made her wait. I knew how much she enjoyed waiting! When she was more than ready, I rewarded her by winding up the level of vibration slightly and giving her three light whacks.

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