Chapter Twenty-Five - Traitor

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The morning was bright and sunny but it was pretty chilly as we set off down the garden. Thomas was waiting for us by the gate, in full kit, including a rifle. But I was under no illusions as to our relative athleticism and had every confidence that he would be able to comfortably keep up with us.

When the buzz told us that the security office had unlocked the gate, he pulled it open and invited us to go through, pulling it closed behind us.

I let my pixie lead the way up the hill and I followed on, close behind her - she was wearing a pair of tight, cycling-type running shorts so her bottom was looking particularly alluring... and I had no intention of allowing Thomas to share that particular view. He brought up the rear, comfortably keeping pace with us, even though he was so heavily loaded.

We followed our customary route up to the top of the little hill but, when we reached the look-out spot, I told the other two to stop. My little pixie and I were bright red and panting but Thomas looked as if he had just strolled up there.

"I have come to the conclusion that we may have a spy in the house," I told him. "You are one of the few people I know I can trust because..."

"I shouldn't be, Sir!"

I gave him a bit of a frown for interrupting me then went on. "I know for certain that I can trust you because we are alone in a secluded spot and you are armed. If you intended to harm me, I would already be dead!"

He smiled. "True, Sir."

"I would like you to quietly investigate to see whether you can find out who it is. And, when we identify the traitor, I intend to eviscerate them... slowly and painfully. Any questions?"

"No, Sir," he replied. He thought for a moment before adding, "But, if we do have a spy in the house, then we ought to sweep the place for listening devices."

I thought about this then nodded. "We really ought to start doing that on a regular basis," I replied.

"I'll see to it, Sir."

"You set?" I asked my little pixie who still looked preoccupied with trying to breathe.

"Not really!"

"Good! Let's go."

We were almost back at the main gate when she suddenly stopped again. I turned around and was about to let her know what I thought about her disturbing my rhythm when I noticed that her forehead was all wrinkled.

"You're thinking again!" I teased. "What's up?"

"You can't do anything when you find out who the spy is," she said.

I had to blink a couple of times before I worked out what she was going on about, "Why on earth not?" I managed at last.

"Because you need to keep them in place so you can feed them with false information," she explained.

I had to think about this for a moment then I gave her a kiss on her sweaty forehead.

She was beaming with pleasure as we set off again.

We enjoyed a relaxed breakfast together. I had to assume we were being overheard so I avoided any sensitive topics and, instead, asked her about her university work. She had an essay to write on the use of the future in spoken German. Apparently they hardly ever used it anymore.

"How can you not use the future?" I asked.

"They use the present and sort of hint at it. Things like, 'I go to the park tomorrow'."

I thought about that then nodded. It seemed unnecessarily complicated as the language had a perfectly valid future but I was sure she was right. "What are you doing in your literature course?"

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