Chapter Ten - The Morning After The Night Before

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There is something extraordinarily satisfying about the sight of a girl wearing one of your shirts first thing in the morning.

And, seeing Elizabeth and Emily like that, fast asleep and cuddled up against one another, kicked off some rather pleasant images.

But, regrettably, I had to get them moving. I had work to do and they had to get on into university. I opened the curtains and allowed the explosion of light to wake them.

Emily was delightfully embarrassed about what I had done with her, the night before, but Elizabeth was distinctly sullen.

"I'm sorry I have to wake you so early," I told them. "I thought we might enjoy breakfast together before you go on into University."

"And what are we supposed to wear?" Elizabeth snarled back. "In case you hadn't noticed, your apes cut our clothes off last night."

I had to suppress a slight smile as I said, "Come with me." My tone was sufficiently imposing to have her hopping out of bed. I took her by the hand and led her down the corridor.

"I call this my 'Room of Reflection'," I informed her as I guided her inside. Her eyes opened in shock as she recognised what the place was all about.

"Now, I thought we had addressed the matter of your attitude last night," I said in my coldest tone. "I had intended to enjoy a pleasant breakfast with the three of you and then send you on your way; however, if you are not able to maintain an appropriate disposition, you are going to find yourself detained in here instead. You will have ample opportunity to... reflect... upon the tone in which you choose to address me as I adjust your attitude."

"So..." she exploded... "even though you kidnapped us... made all sorts of disgusting threats... and then played that totally sick game with us, you're going to torture me until I'm cheerful?"

I frowned and led her over to the upright rack. It had a horizontal bar which ran along, well above head height. Then I positioned her so that she was looking at herself in one of the mirrors. "Grasp the bar with both hands," I instructed her. "Should you let it go, I shall secure your wrists to the bar and things will become significantly more unpleasant for you."

She gave me a savage stare but did as she was told.

"I would not, personally, describe what occurs in this room as torture," I explained as I started to undo the buttons on the dress shirt she was wearing. "Torture happens downstairs in the cells." I gradually worked my way down, unfastening the buttons as I went. "This room is about a much more nuanced harmony of pleasure and pain."

I paused and turned to smile at her in the mirror. There was the slightest of flickers behind her eyes... interesting... very interesting.

"Furthermore, I do not require you to be genuinely cheerful," I folded her shirt back and stood slightly to one side so she could see herself in the mirror. "All I require is that you remain polite and curb the worst excesses of your temper."

I left her for a few moments as helpless rage and frustration flashed across her face.

"So," I said at last, "What is it going to be, Young Lady?" She gasped as I took a nipple and started to roll it gently between thumb and forefinger. "Do you intend to meekly comply or are you going to remain here as I peel back your layers of pride and self-respect like an onion?"

She shut her eyes for a moment as a shiver passed through her body.

"I don't have any self-respect anymore," she answered. Her voice had gone completely flat. "That went years ago."

"Explain!" I said severely. I did not stop manipulating her nipple. I had the distinct impression that the fact that I had taken control of her body was the only thing that was allowing her to get the words out."

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