Chapter Nine - Simultaneous Orgasms

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"Good," I said. "Well... that brings the unpleasant part of the evening to an end. Now all that remains is for you three to compensate me for the expense and inconvenience caused by Naomi's pathetic attempt to skedaddle! It should be fun..." I paused for a bit then added, "Well... fun for me, at least, though I fancy you may rather enjoy it too. We are going to play a game called, 'Simultaneous Orgasms'."

I walked up to a shelf at one end of the room and collected three clitoral stimulators that I had prepared earlier. Then I had the fun of clamping them onto the girls, securing them in position with sticky tape. That was going to be fun to remove! Emily jumped wildly when she felt my hands on her and Naomi let out a deep, heartfelt sigh. But Elizabeth just stared at me, trying to keep the defiance out of her face.

Then I tapped a couple of buttons on my phone and the things began to buzz gently drawing three perfectly synchronised gasps.

"These are top-of-the-range models," I told them. The intensity is set by these remote controls..." I gave one to each girl. "They are simple devices with an up and a down button. There used to be an off button but I've had that disabled, of course! There is also a wrist strap - so you don't drop them, should you happen to become... preoccupied!"

I looked around. Naomi had her eyes closed, appreciating the gentle buzz and Emily looked utterly astonished at the shockingly unfamiliar sensation. But Elizabeth was just standing there with gritted teeth.

"Now, every thirty seconds, you are going to hear a beep and you'll get to select... up or down. The fun bit, though, is that I have modified the control program so that all three of the devices are synchronised. They move up or down together. You are voting for the direction and the majority wins, of course. Ready now..."

After a few seconds my phone beeped but I could see from the display that none of the girls had pressed a button. A slight change in tone of the buzz told me that the three stimulators had clicked up a level. It was met by three delightful little groans.

"Oh yes," I said with a smile. "I omitted to mention that a failure to vote is interpreted as an 'up'. So... 'if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice'." I enjoyed that quote even if they didn't recognise it! "The things have twenty levels... so there is plenty of scope to go up!"

When the next beep came, there were three down votes. "One last thing," I told them. "The game will continue until you have all given me at least one orgasm.

There were muted gasps from all three.

Elizabeth still had a steely set to her eyes as she fought against the pleasure so I collected a riding crop from the shelf. It was one of my favourites with a small, triangular, leather head - all about pleasure and authority rather than pain - and gave her a couple of light taps between the legs.

"You bastard!" she murmured. But then she gave a sigh as the pleasure took hold of her body.

So I went across to Emily and gave her the tiniest of taps too, drawing a shocked gasp. "Do you wish to contribute anything further?" I asked Elizabeth. She just shook her head. The look in her eyes told me that she was an old hand with this sort of toy and was starting to get lost in the game. But Emily's eyes were wide open in shock; she had evidently never experienced anything of the kind before.

For the next few beeps, Elizabeth voted up whilst the other two voted down - but the things were already at their lowest level so they had nowhere to go. The large girl was rolling her hips, trying, without any noticeable success, to increase the pressure from the device.

But I was much more interested in the little pixie whose eyes had drifted closed. She was so distracted that she missed the chance to vote for the next round and so, of course, the devices clicked up a level. Her eyes flashed open and I gave her a smile. Behind me, Emily gasped in shock and Elizabeth gave a deep, heartfelt groan.

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