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Jungkook's POV

I slammed my fist hard on the cave's wall where the portal was once and kept hitting it till my knuckles started bleeding even though I know it's of no use as the portal is long gone now and Tae is in Yoongi's hands, but these bloody knuckles will be a constant reminder for me to realise how I had the chance of saving what once was mine and let it slip just like that. How did I let this happen! After all this time he was right in front me and then Yoongi showed up and took him away, just like that.

"Hitting the wall open won't return the portal, Jungkook!" Chanyeol said dropping his sword with force and groaned.

Jimin picked a sharp stone and brought to his nerves and tried to slash his hands with it but I stopped him right on time, "Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

"Just end me!" Said Jimin, tears streaming down his cheeks and his voice cracked a bit due to crying and cold. "Tae's life is in danger just because of me, It's all my fault!"

"It ain't your fault, Jimin. You didn't know so don't blame yourself for his deeds." I said and sighed deeply and exhaustedly, "Also this isn't the time to blame or cry for it, we have to look for a way to bring him back."

"We should have known! We made a mistake again by making another mistake and then another! Ugh" Baekhyun said frustratedly and gritted his teeths, his fangs creating a sharp noice.

"Oof now we are left with no choice but to go to the dungeons!" Chanyeol said and picked up his sword and looked at the others, "Let's move, what are we waiting for?"

"It's not that easy Chan!" Baekhyun said. "The moment they will see us they will rip our throats off, do you think that way we would be able to save The boy or the world. Also, we don't even know the boy is alive anymore or not." Baekhyun said with a blank expression.

"Don't say shit Baekhyun!" I shouted with anger. "I lost him once and I would not lose him again just because my brother had decided it long ago to conquer this freaking world."

After all this time, After everything we have been through, everyday I used to pass by thinking he will return someday, Oh! those long lonely nights of thinking it's all over he won't be coming back that I won't be able to see him ever again, that there is nothing left to live for but something in me kept me going, probably a string of hope kept me going on with life telling me that he will come back to me.

When I finally saw him back it felt surreal and all those memories hit me like a rollercoaster that how he used to be in my arms when his lips used to touch mine with the scent of strawberries, that how my heart used to skip a beat just by looking at his boxy smile, how his eyes used to shine just by seeing me, I miss it, I missed him so fucking much and the first thing that came in my mind after his return was to held him back where he always belonged right in my arms and never let go, but I couldn't. Even though those longings used to kill me alive reminding me that I can't touch him, can't hold him, can't kiss him like I once used too.

I waited for him long enough and if it takes more years for me to wait for him till he gets to know the whole truth, I would do that. Hell! I would have told him everything by myself but either he would have freaked out or wouldn't have believed me, so I let it be the way it was.
But one thing is for sure I can't bear to lose him, not again.

"Right, let's move!" Baekhyun replied.


Baekhyun kept driving without saying a word, after walking out of the Iceland we just went straight towards the southern direction in the dense forest area, it's drizzling and gloomy here after that light stone thing, the effect of light stone is longer than expected. I did heard a lot of stories that my brother hidden himself into the dungeons but never went in it.

After driving for hours the car entered into the ruins area, Baekhyun offed the car engine and we all got out of the car. The place seemed familiar like I have been here for so many times before and then it hit me, these remaining of a kingdom used to home.

"Thi-this place! No, this can't be!" My eyes widened and mouth agape, shaking my head and my eyes kept blinking telling me it can't be true, the place where I spend my childhood in is left in nothing but ruins. I set there on my knees and held the sand of ruins in my fist, a drop of tear streamed down my face.

"I know! it used to be your Kingdom" Baekhyun said deeply sighing and looking at the remaining while Jimin and Chanyeol just stood there looking quite confused. "That's why I never wanted you to come here."

"Why didn't you tell me" I said with narrowed eyes and my fist tightened, "Why did you hide this from me all this time."

"And what would I have said? That your brother is hiding right in the dungeons of the kingdom you spend your entire life in?" Baekhyun said.

I sighed in defeat.

"Wait, your Kingdom?" Chanyeol asked to me with raised brows.

"Guys! I'd say it's not the right time for all this, we need to find the boy or it will be too late for real now" Baekhyun said and kept his hand on my shoulder, I nodded and got up, nothing can be done for this place now it's already ruined.

Walking towards the dungeons of the ruins area, big boulders which used to be pillars once were there and right beside it was the stairs like old times, we walked further downstairs, ancient brick walls, dusty and old jails, there was a lever on the right side of a jail, Baekhyun pulled it and then we saw a huge skull shape cave right in dungeon area.

We walked into the skull cave, the next thing we saw was Skeletons guarding outside the ancient skull door with swords and shields.

"Long time, Baekhyun" one of the skeleton said.

"Indeed Arizen, I would have thought of having a good conversation with you but you see we are a little in hurry right now."

"Don't you know only dead's are allowed to pass through the skull gates" Skeleton named Arizen said.

"Look I have a real good offer since your bones got weak due to time and ageing so how about you let us pass this time and I promise I'd gift u a branded bone or a complete set of young bones." Baekhyun said and tried to go through the gates but the two skeletons on either sides of the gate pulled out the swords which made an x sign and stopped him from going any further.

"You promised a lot of things, Baekhyun" said Arizen. "Show your death pass or you can't go in."

"Alright fine, fine! Here" Baekhyun said and showed a pass. "Also, They all are with me so..."

"Fine, letting you pass this time but don't forget to fulfill your promise Baekhyun." Said Arizen.

"I always keep my promises." Baekhyun replied and we all passed through the skull gates.

(AN : please don't forget to vote.)

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