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              As we ventured further in the cavern the darkness increased and so did the chilled atmosphere, it was so quiet that only the voice of our footsteps and dripping of water could be heard. Baekhyun and Chanyeol could see in the darkness very clearly, vampire senses, but both still held the crown sconce torch in their hands to show us the way, suddenly some winged creatures swept in our way with screeching sounds, probably bats, we covered our heads, when their horde subsided a steel gate came in the view.

Baekhyun held the sconce torch close to the gate and with it's light a symbol could be seen, the shape of a flower, tiger Lily curved on it in a beautiful ancient design. Jungkook walked close to the gate and kept his hand on the gate, examining it.

"The symbol of Leona!" Jungkook said with surprise in his voice. Everyone's eyes narrowed.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol too walks towards it and trys to open the gate, though it was way too old and rusty nothing in comparison to vampire strength, still they failed to open it, as if something was stopping them.

"Ugh! It's not opening" Chanyeol said out of frustration. Jungkook looks at the steel gate again, and notices a space in the gate which was the hollow shape same as the sign on the gate, "Isn't it doubtful though that this cave has a Symbol of Leona Kingdom?"

"Well, since these dungeons and the cave area is pretty much under the ruins of Leona kingdom itself, so it makes sense for that gate to have that symbol, too, I suppose." Baekhyun replied, we all nodded in agreement.

Jungkook narrowing his eyes pulls out a locket that he was wearing and the sign on the locket was the same as on the gate, "Perhaps this could help!"

He puts the locket in the space in the gate and it fits perfectly into the space and the gate makes a sound of clicking and unlocks.

"Well that really did helped have to give you for that." Chanyeol asked with amusement to Jungkook and raised his eyes, "How do you have that though?"

"Father gave this to me, works as a key for all Leona locks." Jungkook said getting the locket type key out of the gate, brushed it and chuckled softly, "Funny! He asked for twin keys."

"What does that mean?" Jimin asked.

"Means there was a twin key of this, works the exact same way." Jungkook replied referring to the locket key while wearing it back. We all frowned but brushing it off we entered through the gateway.

We walked further through the gateway and our mouth agape as we saw a crystal shape stone in the center, the stone of life.

"Finally, we found it!!" I said with relief and sighed. Everyone got relieved after seeing the stone, I stepped close to the stone and held it in my hands and it began glowing, I tilted my head, "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Mayhap after activating the stone with your touch we will be needing a mage to unleash the life stone's power." Baekhyun explained.

"Where will we get a mage in here now!!" Chanyeol said disappointedly.

"Maybe I could be of some help." Said a voice in the shadow. Baekhyun groaned with his fangs out towards the shadow and within seconds he was in the space between me and the man in the shadow, securing me from it. Jungkook held me back with my shoulders as I stepped back with a catch in my breath, a chill run down my spine when I heard the voice again.

"Fancy seeing you all here." Yoongi said with amusement holding a twin locket key of the same key that Jungkook opened the gate with and his lips cracked upward in a smirk, "But I have to say you guys are so sluggish, I have been waiting here for hours you see."

"That key!" Jungkook let out glancing at the key in Yoongi's hands.

"Oh brother, do I have to remind you our father brought the key for both of us." Yoongi said while shaking his head, "I know, I know why twin keys when the whole Kingdom would have been yours."

"It was all about the kingdom! If you wanted the kingdom why didn't you just asked!" Jungkook asked loudly with anger to his brother.

"Why would I be asking for something that was supposed to be mine to begin with." Yoongi said clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Anyways, You guys did a favour on me you know without even knowing."

Yoongi snapped his fingers with an evil smirk on his face and Jimin's eyes turned hypnotic as he stood stunned for a moment and then walked passed us standing right beside the Lord, his eyes not even blinking for once.

"Jimin!" I shouted as I tried to stop him but Jungkook held me back with a frown, everyone's mouth agape, Jimin has been possessed again.

"Let him go!" I said furiously to the Lord.

"Well he doesn't mind.." Yoongi said brushing the back of his hands on Jimin's cheeks while he stood there as a statue, and Lord's eyes drifted back on me.

"So why do you?" Yoongi asked with raised brows at me, "Or is it like your heart suddenly went soft for me after hearing my story and now you feeling jelly because Jimin is beside me and you are not."

"If that is so then you know you can take his place anytime, Princess." Yoongi said winking at me and Jungkook growled listening to that, Yoongi chuckled at Jungkook's reaction while shaking his head, "Some things never change."

"What are you upto, Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, his knuckles turning white and veins tightening.

"That's for me to know" Yoongi said gesturing his fingure at himself at first and then pointed at us, "And for you to find out."

Yoongi's iris turned completely black as if demonic, he began chanting some spells and with that Baekhyun and Chanyeol charged at him with vampires speed.

Jungkook, Baekhyun and Chanyeol trying everything to defend against The Lord but the moment the lord was getting injured and his spells failed and went hitting the other side of the cave, making the cave rumble, Jimin kept on healing his wounds way quickly than even a vampire healing abilities could.

"This isn't working! Jimin keeps healing him." I said in frustrating as I was of no use, I couldn't fight even with a vampire, yet a vampire lord here. My best friend is in possession and my friends are all on the edge of death.

When I felt losing all hope and set there in despair, I saw Jimin's lips moving in my direction, his lips were repeating a word without saying it out loud. I tried to read his lips what he was trying to say and then it hit me he was referring towards the stone.

I walked towards the stone and touched it, it began glowing again activating it, and taking the moment Jimin used his power of healing and healed Jungkook, Baekhyun and Chanyeol instead.

"I said heal me, not them, you fool!" Yoongi said in rage towards Jimin.

"I am sorry Master you didn't specified who at first." Jimin replied.

"Jimin Hurry!" with that he used all his power on the stone which unleashed the life stone's power and an explosion took place as the power radiated throughout the dark cave, due to which everyone fell on the ground.

(AN : please vote and comment.)

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