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Taehyung POV

We have been walking to the dark cave with Daehyun's help as he has been there before, walking in demon realm always brings up a creepy feeling that constantly repeats in my head that this place ain't safe at all, dragons around most of the time, demons howling, but one unexpected thing was that in here there are small towns just like in human realm but just filled with dark figures.

The houses, restaurants and shops filled with skulls and frozen fingers, eyeballs being sold as candy bars. I felt like gagging after seeing all those things and now every time I close my eyes I see that image of those horrible things hitting my insomnia all over again, I am sure I won't be able to sleep for the next two months, this is indeed a living horror place.

Most of the times as any of the demon got closer to us I thought they will attack but they didn't, it was sort of confusing but I was relived for some amount.

"They won't attack you, they are afraid of you." Seohyun said while glancing at me.

"I don't understand!" I replied in confusion.

"They can't see your face or your body as for them it's an illusion, all they can see is the magic power inside you," Seohyun said, "And they are afraid of the power you have."

"Fine we don't have to deal with those demons but what about the dragons and other creatures in here?" I asked.

"Well others can attack, either way you need to wary." I sighed.

"We are close to that dark cave." Daehyun said while glancing at the black rock mountains in front of us. As we are getting closer my heartbeat is pounding wildly.

"Yep, so this is it, let's go inside." Daehyun said as we stood near the dark cave. I swallowed the lump formed inside my throat and took a deep breath and we stepped inside the dark cave.

I can hear my heart throbbing as we walked in, the cave was a dark hole with small amount of light, voices like footsteps, dripping of water could be heard and even the noise of snakes. It was so quiet in the cave that I could hear my own breathe, my head snapped at the voice of some sort of loud voice that came from deep inside the cave.

The cave opens to a hall inside, there were huge pillars and two small pillars had a bowl which had burning flame and in the middle of those there were stairs that leads to a throne.

My foot hit something beneath it I glanced at that and my eyes widened and breathing enraged when I glanced there was skeletons all around the hall.

"This isn't a cave," I said in a whisper voice while shaking my head in fear and let out a stuttered breath, "It's a tomb!"

My head snapped to the noise of someone's loud groan which echoed throughout the hall, the cave rumbled, "What should we do!" I chanted in fear.

"For now, hide!" Daehyun said as we went behind the pillars.

Loud footsteps came closer and then entered a tall man, probably seven feet wearing a black cloak and his face covered with it, the man was dragging a demon with his dark skeleton like long fingers to his throne with one hand while leaving behind the blood of demon which looks like coal tar, while the other hand held The Staff of Tenebrosity.

He settled on the throne and then lifted the demon close to his mouth and drank his blood, I gasped a little as later he ate the demon head, his head snapped at my direction, I covered my mouth and closed my eyes as my whole body was trembling.

The tall man then threw the demon left pieces aside and said, "Who is there?" he said in a heavy and creepy voice that sends chills to the bones.

"Show yourself, I can hear you breathe." He said, Daehyun, Seohyun glanced at me and nodded.

Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ (ʙᴛs 𝑓𝑓)Where stories live. Discover now