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2 months later.

         It's been two months since me and Jungkook have been staying in Feriona, it didn't took long in getting to know Feriona and getting along with its people or I should say talking animals, anyways it's not completely full of talking animals but familiars also lives here, for example Jennie and her sisters.

Jennie introduced us to her sisters, she got two sisters, one is Rose' and other one is Jisoo, they both are familiars and can change into different birds just like their sister. Jennie can turn in a hawk; Rose' can turn into a swan and Jisoo in nightingale. It was astonishing in seeming them taking the bird forms whenever they want.

Jennie turned out to be a great person as she helped us to find a house or a small cottage but more than enough for two people in Feriona where human kind is completely prohibited. She also tried to help me in gaining knowledge regarding my own powers, when I say 'tried' means yes tried as day by day my powers are getting out of my hands that even Feriona is having troubles with my stay but somehow I'm trying my best to get a hold on it.

This place is under the shield by the familiars to protect from the human-kind, I also came to know that that glass bridge is the judgment bridge where it determines whether you are a human or not to enter Feriona, guess Jungkook and I to able to enter Feriona is maybe because we are no longer mortals but Bambam well he was just an image showed by Yoongi who is a born mage.

"Taehyung oppa, here you are." Jisoo called out as she entered my room with a smile, I closed the book of familiars that I have been trying to concentrate on but failing miserably as these thoughts keep distracting me, "I was looking for you outside; come on the festival is going to start."

The festival of Feriona that comes once a year during spring time which they celebrate by collecting different flowers and making loads of dishes and during the festival some kind of race takes place where horses competes with one another to win while in familiars whoever collects most of the flowers is crowned as the petals queen for the year. The idea of this festival is to bring prosperity in nature and love for animals.

"Has Jungkook returned from the mainland?" I asked, ever since we shifted here Jungkook and I having been spending most of our times together, we are back to normal talking terms but we aren't going for any relationship, even though I have realized that Jungkook shouldn't be the one to be blamed for Lisa's deeds.

Still, I can't get the whole married fact out of my head as every time we gets close I feel a strong emotion of guilt even though I know he loves me and he belonged to me in the first place and I got nothing to be guilty for and yet I feel it when Lisa is the one who should be feeling guilty.

In all these times I have been trying my best to support Jungkook emotionally and mentally as after Mr. Jeon's death he has been stressed for so many things including the divorce thing which is still pending and due to which he needs to travel back and forth from here to mainland which is quite exhausting. He is also trying to send Lisa to jail but it's hard to do so because Monabal's family are not only rich and powerful and holds a big fame in the society but are also the wizards.

"Not yet." Jisoo replied as she grabbed my hands and began dragging me out of the room, "Now come on and help me in collecting all the flowers."

"Hold on; Hold on Jisoo, why don't you ask your sisters to help you in getting them?" I asked and halted on my feet.

"Jennie has thrice been the petal queen so she doesn't care at all about this festival whereas Rose' just like her name has collected mostly all of the roses." She whined, "So please help me in collecting all the flowers, oppa."

"Alright, what I have to do?" I asked.

"Collect all the lilies from the town and the forest, just so you know I have collected all from the town." She said.

"Wait! So you are suggesting for me that we should go to the forest?" I asked with raised brows.

"Yep you got that right." She said smiling.

"Unbelievable Jisoo, I am not going in the forest just so you could be the pet queen or something...or how about you buy some instead?" I asked and her lips turned into a thin line.

"First thing, its "petal queen" not pet queen and second that if I bought them and presented that I would be disqualify from this for the next five years." She said while making the quotation sign with her fingers and began dragging me again, "Please now you need to help me!"

"Alright, Alright I'll come with you but don't you think we should inform someone before leaving the town?"

"Oh come that would make me lose time more to get the flowers, we already have less time to collect!"

"Fine, lead the way." I said sighing.

"Perfect." She replied grinning with cheerfulness.


We walked out of the town to the Feriona forest, the sun shining bright, butterflies and dragonflies flying around, so many flowers all around blossoming.

"Remember we need to find all the lilies." Jisoo informed one last time as I nodded my head, she and I split in the different direction because she kept whining that she doesn't want to lose more and more time, gosh.

I began collecting the lilies in some handmade wooden basket, collecting flowers to be the queen of this world never thought it would be so easy.

Few minutes later I didn't found this flower collecting thing as easy as I thought it would be because no matter what I couldn't find lilies in the forest, all the daisies and roses and other flower plants were around but lilies quite difficult to find, "Ugh! Come on where could be more lilies!"

Just as I shouted for the lilies I saw some lilies on the ground, I cheered up and walked to it but as soon as I picked them up I got startled as three dark figures showed up out of nowhere from different directions and held me with their sharp claws.

"What! Who are all?" I asked being horrified at sudden arrival.

Those dark figures were female with long hairs going down to their knees and dark skin, wearing some white silk cloth reaching their knee cup just like their hair, "Master has asked to bring you."

"Master?! Who?" I asked in confusion.

"Ecce puer princeps" Their eyes turned black core and they began chanting in some different language making it hard to understand.

Suddenly some sort of fire ball hit one of the dark figures and it burnt leaving some ash print behind at that place, "Taehyung hold on!"

Someone called out my name and I recognized the voice in an instant, it was Jungkook. I sighed in relief after seeing him; he wasn't alone though as some old man wearing a cloak and other probably in his mid 30's wearing a black karate-gi sort of suit showed up with him, my head titled with confusion.

I flinched as the old man and the other man fired a ball with their hands at the dark figures around me bursting them into dark mist leaving behind blood like coal tar that came out of their body, I glanced at the ground and saw a huge spot of burnt grass formed on the spot.

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