Chapter 8: Ultron number 2

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"Cap a little help." I wheeze pushing against the arm of Ultron whose bladed hand glazes my neck, a light trickle of blood forming.

Cap stood up quickly wiping the red from his nose before running at Ultron.

But someone else was quicker.

Red strands locked around the robots hand,
fear taking over in Ultrons eyes clear before he flies backwards into the wall with a thud.

"Are you ok?"

I let out a breath before looking towards my saviour.


I frown ignoring her hand as she offered it to me.

"I'm on your side." The brunette mutters softly, her hand dropping back to her side.

I hum unsurely and stand up not taking my eyes of the witch.

"I'm sorry." She continues her eyes focused on her shoes not able to look me in the eye.

My heart was telling me to trust her but my head was telling me the opposite. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes trusting my instinct.

"We won't hurt you." I whisper giving her a small smile.

She nods with a sigh of relief before turning back to the robot who was currently begging her brother to join him once again.

I didn't know what I had just done. But it felt like the right decision. Part of me felt responsible for the girl seeing I knew what she had gone through, my instinct telling me to protect her at all costs.

Steve's eyes turn to me unconvinced but I nod, my instinct trustworthy giving the super soldier all the reassurance he needed.

"Don't do this." Ultron sighs becoming trapped on the opposite side of the train as Wanda bends the metal bars across the middle of the train.

"What choice do we have." She growls. Her demeanour had changed whilst talking to the robot. No longer an innocent girl, now a powerful woman strong enough to set fear within the enemy without even so much as a sweat.

I was oddly proud watching the rage fuel her powers as she talks.

Turning Ultron sighs sending blasts towards the front of the train sending the witch and myself backwards before jumping off the train and flying towards the quinjet hovering in the sky.

The witch was laying in my arms blinking rapidly as she processed what had happened.

"Oh sorry." She mumbles standing up, brushing the dirt off her skirt.

Ignoring the lingering blush on my cheeks I shrug.

"It's alright." I smirk turning towards Steve.

"I lost him, he's headed your way." Steve yells through the comms to Nat and Clint before sprinting towards the control panel.

An alarm blares as the controls were left unchecked, the conductor laying dead as the train spirals out of control.

"Steve the tracks are ending." I yell warning the blonde who was attending to the conductor.

Steve's breath stops as the train continues moving forwards crashing into crates and pipes and anything else in its path, the tracks a distant memory.

"Cap have you seen Nat?" Clint asks panic lacing his tone, immediately worrying me.

"If you have the package get it to Stark GO." Steve yells concerned with the rampaging train.

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