Chapter 14: Courage

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Tomorrow came quickly and so did the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. Suddenly it was two months since Pietros death.

Wanda had seemingly fought through her grief , the pain of her brothers death becoming easier to deal with each and every day although it didn't completely die, and I doubt it ever will. But seeing her smile bought a happiness to me I didn't know existed. It was euphoric.

The original team had shrunk leaving spaces for new individuals such as Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Sam. The Avengers 2.0 as I liked to call them.

Wanda and I had become attached at the hip. Wherever I went the witch followed and vice versa. And it's safe to say my feelings were definitely growing.

Now don't get me wrong, I know I said I was going to ask Wanda out two months ago but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Although I did attempt to...

I don't get nervous, I never had. But that all changed the minute I tried to ask out the witch.

"Wanda?." I whisper knocking on the brunettes door. My hands fiddle with my rings as the door flew open, the brunette embracing me in a tight hug.

"Wanda, I have to ask you something." Her head fell the side, strands of her hair covering her perfectly perfect face.

"What's up?" She asks gently pulling me into the bedroom.

Subconsciously my fingers interlaced with Wanda's before sitting us both on the mattress.

"So I was wondering..."

My voice trails off, the pause causing worry to etch into Wanda's face.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Her grip on my hand tightens giving me a comforting squeeze.

Confidence rising I try again.

"Ok so I was wondering..."

"Mm." She hums curiously.

Sweat began forming on my face, my free hand anxiously scratching my neck as I tried to spit out my question.

"Skye you can ask me anything."

I nod with a smile.

"I know I know."

Jaw clenched and a frown creasing my forehead I try one more time.

"Wanda do you want to... to... to..."

"Go on."

"Wanda do you want to join the avengers."

Internally facepalming I fake a smile at the witches frown.

"That was it?" She asks almost... disappointed.

"Yep that's it." I chuckle regret already bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

"That's it."

That was two months ago and I hadn't tried since, the failure of that simple task embarrassing enough as it is.

Today was different, my body brimming with confidence as I step into the kitchen watching my fellow teammates groan at the early morning wake up.

"Good Morning."

Glares fall on me annoyed at my optimism at 5:30am.

Someone had made pancakes, a pile laying on the bench, saliva pooling in my mouth at the heavenly smell.

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