Chapter 27: Thanos

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Memories really are beautiful if you think about it.

The vision of someone else in your eyes. Their face lingering in your thoughts. Laughing, crying, smiling. The good and the bad. They always stay with you even when everyone else leaves.

And now I'm leaving. Leaving Wanda with nothing but the memories of our time together.

Inhaling water again and again, the searing pain in my chest slowly begins to fade leaving silence to fill the gap.

Shivers travel down my spine leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Death was here.

Or so I thought.

A flash of rainbow light turns the alien forcing me down to ash, freeing me from death for the time being.

Splashing rather chaotically I gasp managing to sit up clutching at my chest. Panting and gulping for air I squint trying to find the source of my freedom.

"No." I scoff not believing what I was seeing. Gripping my chest I slowly rise to my feet grimacing slightly at the claw marks carved into my rib cage.

Three figures stand in the middle of the battle ground, one oh so familiar.

"Thor." I chuckle to myself glancing fondly at the man who glares stoically towards Proxima and Cull. Beside him stand two rather funny looking creatures A tree with eyes and a rat with a gun. Wait my bad, a raccoon.

Electricity jumps from chest plate to chest plate as Thor clenches his jaw holding his brand new weapon, a rather large looking axe that buzzes with electricity.

"You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce laughs jeering towards the alien army who all seem to have paused in their attempts to slaughter us.

Thors blue glow pulses faster as he marches towards the leaders of the army, Proxima and Cull.

"Bring me Thanos." He demands moving into a run with the tree and raccoon following close behind.

Taking a deep breath I tear my eyes away from the god at the realisation that the alien creatures had begun to attack once again.

"You might need this."

Snapping my head around I close my eyes in relief to see my sister holding out my sword.

"You look like hell."

Raising her eyebrow she merely ignores my comment although she gestures towards my figure as if to say look at yourself.

"So, I'm hoping your girlfriends going to destroy that stone anytime now." Nat pants holding her staffs rather tightly lunging forwards and backwards as she defends herself against the space creatures.

"Fiancé but yes same." I reply distractedly trying to not die at the hands of another alien.

"Excuse me? Your engaged since when?" Nat gasps dropping her fighting pose to place her hands on her hips.

"Not the time Natty." I frown spinning in a circle to slice the head off one of the alien dogs.

"Fiancé?" She scoffs again more so to herself this time. Chuckling at her confused face I plunge my sword through another alien groaning at the blue blood splattering against my chest combining with my own red droplets.

Dirt clings to my body desperately whilst the blood soaks through my suit darkening the already black outfit. Although I was dripping wet from my experience in the stream I was hot and sweating, the coldness of the water rather refreshing still dripping from my hair.

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