Chapter 25: day before death

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"You want me to take a shot... At 7:30 in the morning?" My voice monotone as I raise a confused eyebrow at Stark who stands before with his arms crossed.

"Not one Romanoff, 3. You lost the bet, Nat didn't severely injure Sam... she merely broke his wrist." Tony shrugs placing a shot glass before me.

"Stark yours will be next if you get my sister drunk, just cause she turns 18 in a week doesn't mean I want her drunk at 7:30 in the morning." Nat frowns not at all happy with the bet I had made with the billionaire.

"Oh chill out Natty." I retort laughing at the wrinkles on her forehead worsening at the nickname.

Rolling her eyes the redhead moves away from the chaos commencing.

Picking up the first shot I sniff the alcohol identifying it as vodka before shrugging and tipping it back as if it were water.

Tony's jaw drops at the ease I swallowed the liquor in. Giving him a blank stare I shrug.

"I'm Russian."

His lips quickly form an 'o' before a voice attracts my attention.

"Skye? It's literally 7:30"

Wanda crosses her arms glaring at me as I hold a full shot glass in my hand. My eyes widen knowing I was in trouble, my sister may scare me but Wanda... Wanda was a whole other story.

"I'm out." Tony whispers retreating and leaving me alone with the witch who rubs her eyes tiredly whilst walking to my side.

"You gonna finish them?" She asks resting her head on my chest. A sigh of relief leaves my lips realising she wasn't going to murder me.

Nodding slowly I tip the second one down my throat enjoying the burn.


Standing in the kitchen I once used to live in, the memories of this compound play over and over in my head, the once playful aura gone leaving misery and despair in its wake.

A tiny smirk itches at my lips as I continue to replay the happy moments I took for granted, moments that probably never occur again.

"One life shouldn't stand in the way of thousands." Vision argues towards the group who all remain silent despite Visions pleads.

His words play on repeat in my head snapping me out of my reminiscing. He was so willing to sacrifice himself for us, for the world.

Faint streams of light flash across the faces of those standing around the room. Each person solemn and quiet as they process Visions request.

Biting my lip I nod my head slowly stepping forwards to voice my opinions.

"I agree." I pause watching as all eyes turn to me. "We need to destroy the stone, preferably without destroying Vision himself."

"Skye. There is no other way. We must do this. Please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be." Vision sighs allowing himself to be the centre of the room.

Bruce clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, his hands throwing incoherent gestures around the room. He was pensive for a moment before his eyes reach my own, excitement shimmering in the deep brown.

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