Chapter 13: Advice

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I should've been in there with her, I should've tried to help her or assure her she was going to be ok. But no I left the bathroom to sit on her bed. Only when I hear sobs do I even think to stand up heading towards the door.

"Hey Wanda are you ok?" My fist knocks the door gently expecting an answer of 'yes I'm alright' but that was far from the answer I received.

"No... no I'm not."

My lower lip becomes caught between my teeth debating whether to open the door, Wanda's shuddering cry immediately answers that, my hand gripping the handle so tightly my knuckles turn white.

I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't opened that door but the thoughts alone overwhelmed me.

Wanda's figure attracted my eyes although the bath water attracted my attention. It was red, blood red, only getting darker by the second.

A small rather sharp looking blade lay in Wanda's shaking hand, dotted blood dripping down the shaft. I don't think I'd ever run faster then now dropping to my knees beside the bath tub, Wanda's cries shattering my heart. So much pain, so much fear. Gently I bribe the blade from Wanda's clenched hand softly whispering words of comfort before placing it away from the two of us.

"Alright Wanda can you stand up for me?" The witch nods slowly, her whole body shivering not with cold but with sadness as she grips the bath edges and pulling herself to her feet.

Her bare chest rises and falls in time with her sobs but my eyes fall on her wrists. Large cuts carved into her forearms causing blood to combine with the water below turning it even darker. My eyes soften glancing towards the witch who hangs her head in shame only breaking my heart a little more.

"Give me a second ok I'm just going to get you a towel." I whisper holding the girls hand with my own.

Wanda only had breath for a nod, small whimpers coming leaving the brunettes mouth.

Begrudgingly I turn away from Wanda my feet pattering around the bathroom ripping the towel from its place on the rack and running back to the witch.

"Hey hey come here."

Leaning into my body I wrap the towel around the witch gently rubbing her dry, careful to avoid any wounds and sensitive areas.

"I'm gonna get you dried then I'm gonna fix your wounds then we can have a chat and something to eat alright." I whisper to the witch who's face lays on my shoulder, her breath tickling my neck.

She was upset. So upset it broke me. The witch unable to form proper sentences let alone walk more than three steps independently. She was mourning and it hurt me seeing her this fragile.

The witch whimpers while I tend to her wounds a shaky breath falling from her mouth.

"Your ok Wands, your alright." I whisper placing rubbing alcohol against the small scratches across the girls legs.

Movement caused my to glance upwards only to be met with a shaking head. "This isn't HYDRA Wanda. I'm not gonna punish your for being upset." I smile but my insides ache at the thought of the trauma the girl had gone through.

Gently moving from her legs having finished tending to her wounds down there, I reach forward my hand coming to a stop just before her cheek. My eyes connect with the witches who barely nods giving me permission to hold her face.

Her cheeks were cold, almost lifeless as I place my hand against them. Her cheekbones hard and visible causing an even deeper frown due to her lack of food. But I ignore it for the time being dedicating my attention to her scrapes on her cheeks and forehead.

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