Chapter 16: The Accords

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"I love you."

As the words are uttered my heart explodes not believing what I was hearing.

"I love you too." I reply still in awe, drawing Wanda closer to me planting a passionate kiss on her lips.

Her hands gently move from my waist to my hair entangling themselves in the short black locks on my head as our innocent kiss becomes something more.

A gentle moan slips out her mouth at my tongue clashing with hers. Rubbing my hand up and down her back bunches her shirt allowing my fingers to run under her shirt tracing her bra strap.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Begrudgingly I pull back from my comfortable embrace to glare at the intruder who was none other than Vision who had phased through the wall staring with a light frown at the pair of us.

"Yes yes you are." I frown comically.

A light slap to my shoulder from Wanda tells me she didn't approve of my words towards the lifeform.

"No your not Vis what's up?" She asks with a smile meant for him only.

"Mr Stark has arrived and is requesting your presence."

At the robots words Wanda's muscles tense, my hands gently running over her almost shaky hands trying to console the nerves.

"We will be right down." I reply a little rudely sending Vision away with a wave.

The robots figure turns to use the door this time thanks to Wanda's complaints about privacy and phasing and whatnot before turning back to the two of us.

"And apparently he's bought a guest."


"Mm come on."

My attempts to pull my girlfriend to her feet backfired miserably. Her figure staying planted on the bed too nervous to leave her room due to the fact Secretary Ross was currently standing in our living room awaiting our presence.

Sighing I crouch down to meet Wanda's gaze gently pressing a kiss to her forehead earning a smile the witch desperately tried to hide.

"Your so affectionate today especially in public my love." Wanda praises.

"Well your upset and your my girl. I'm going to do everything in my power to make you not upset. And to be honest... PDA isn't that bad." I chuckle.

"Really?" Wanda enthuses her pupils dilating in excitement.

My shoulders roll with the weight of a small laugh before, nodding at the witch.

"Ross and Stark are waiting for us. Come on." I urge lacing my fingers in between her own.

Her fingers lift to her mouth nibbling at the black polish coating her nails but I intervene, gently gripping her other hand with mine ignoring the slight pain in my palm.

Wanda's face fell instantly at the sight of the team sat around the table generally used for team meetings, their faces grim, the opposite to their usual cheeriness.

"Wanda, Skye glad you could finally allow us to bask in your presence." Ross frowns gesturing to the two empty seats beside each other amongst the table of hero's.

Secretary Ross. The name made me sick. If you could think of the worst person to ever exist and multiply your hatred for them by 10000 that would maybe amount to the anger so felt for this man. Not only did he bore us with stories, he thought the world would be better without the help of hero's. But what world would there be if we weren't here to save the day...

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