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Megan's POV
Two Months Later

After being cooped up in this mansion with no communication with my friends and family, I knew I had to find a way out—even if it was just for today. Beyoncé has gotten unbelievably controlling and she said the last time she hit me was an accident and it wouldn't happen again but she gets angry at the smallest things and I'm always punished for it. This is not how I want my life to be. Bey was somewhere in the house, most likely the studio working on a project. I knew I had time to pack a duffel bag and leave. I couldn't stay here anymore. I lost twenty pounds just completely losing myself...I looked like a ghost and I needed help because I knew if I didn't get away she'd kill me before I got the chance.

I quickly entered my closet and grabbed my duffel bag and threw open a couple drawers, grabbing shirts, jeans, underwear then went to the bathroom to grab my toiletries. I stopped midway, looking at myself in the mirror. My daddy wouldn't like seeing me like this. "This is not how a Pete acts," he would say. I need to stay strong for him. I pushed my naturally curly hair away from my face, rubbing my face as well.

"For daddy."

I grabbed my toothbrush finally and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my coat considering the weather, and headed for the front door, hastily. I couldn't let her see me.

My keys. My fucking keys aren't on the key chain holder. Fuck.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I have to go to the salon, what do you mean?" I tried to ask confused.

"You don't walk out of this house without letting me know first. You know that."

"Are you drunk?"

She had those dark eyes again, like she was possessed. This is the shit that scared me about Bey. I needed to lie and fast, because she saw my bag.

"I was going to see my grandmother. You know she's getting sick, Bey," I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "I'm all she has left. Let me go see her, please baby."

A little manipulation goes a long way when you need to escape someone like Beyoncé. I needed to make her feel like she was in complete control and I needed to feed her sexually.

I placed my bag down and wrapped my arms around her neck and placed my head in the crease of her neck. "Please, daddy. Please, and I promise I'll do whatever you say," I whispered sultrily.

She groaned softly. "Is that right?" she asked taking her hands to my pussy.

"Yes, Hottie." I rubbed the back of her head and neck gently. I just need this to be convincing enough to let me leave.

"Well, don't ever get a fucking attitude with me again," she gritted forcefully putting two fingers inside me.

I winced at the pain, forcing myself to keep my composure. I wasn't even sexually attracted to Bey anymore but I had to let her do whatever she wanted to me because if not, it would be worse in general for me.

"I- I won't, baby I promise. I won't anymore."

"Good," she said slapping my ass. "Go see your grandma, with your fine ass. Remember, I'm watching you. And here are your keys."

She took them out of her pocket and tossed them at me. I nodded my head quickly, picking up my bag and heading out of the door and getting into my car. I sped to Normani's house.


"Omg! Megan, what happened to you?!" Normani exclaimed, quickly pulling me into her front door, out of the cold. It was 8 pm and I'm sure the twins were asleep by now. I had turned my phone on airplane mode and turned it off completely so Bey couldn't track me. I drove around for hours until I finally decided to officially go to Mani's crib.

"It was nothing, it was just a little fight we had," I lied.

"A little fight? Megan, your nose is swollen, and so are your eyes and you have whip marks on your cheeks...did that bitch do this to you?"

I stayed quiet.

"Fuck, Megan. How long she been doing this shit? Come here." She led me to the kitchen and I sat down at the island. I saw her grab an ice pack from the freezer and she handed it to me. She had a worried look on her face as I expected and I looked away not wanting to feel her pity. "Jovon, tell me what's going on. I'm taking a nap then I hear you banging on my door. Not only that, I haven't seen you since my birthday."

She walked around the island, sitting in the seat adjacent to me, then placed my hand in hers. She gently took the ice pack away from my hand and placed it on my face.

"I...she hit me for the first time the night of your birthday. She had never done that before, it was always just controlling behavior and I just thought since she was really my stepma, it was okay for her to be that way. But once it got sexual, she was too fucking much, Mani. Everything I did was a trigger and when she hit me, my entire self worth went down the drain. I felt like I was in my foster family's all over again, wanting to escape but I couldn't. Then after that first time, she just kept doing it and I—"

I broke down. Letting all the pain I was holding in over the past two months go and it felt like a heaviness was lifted off of me. Normani held me, my head in her lap. "You mean to tell me she kept you there? Beating you? And I spent this whole time being stupidly mad at you for not returning my calls...gotdammit. I'll do whatever I can to protect you now that I know, I'll make sure Nene, Nicki, and Kelon know, alright?"

"Thank you, Mani. This means so much."

"Of course, baby. I'd do anything for you," she said looking into my eyes, holding my chin in her hands. "You are loved, forever and you have a family in us."

I couldn't hold back anymore, I slowly placed my hands on her thighs, wanting to kiss her plump lips. I could tell she sensed it too considering she continuously looked at my lips. So I did it, I pressed my lips to hers, moaning ever so slightly as her tongue made its way into my mouth. She stood up walking in between my legs, wrapping her arms around my waist. I started to arch my back in my seat but wincing at the pain I felt; Mani walked around to my back, kissing my neck and lifted my shirt. Not once did I feel this wasn't right. My shirt was halfway up when I heard her gasp.

"Meggy, don't tell me she did this to you!"

Then I realized what she saw. It was a large bruise on on my back that Beyoncé made by kicking me repeatedly after throwing me on the ground two days ago.

"She did though."

"We need to go to the police," she said. "She needs to rot in prison for what she's done to you."

"No police, not tonight, Mani. I just want to sleep, knowing I will be safe for tonight."

"Okay, no police. But soon Megan. The twins are upstairs asleep and there's some shrimp fried rice in the fridge. I'm gonna stay down here in the living room, if you need anything, alright?"

"Alright," I smiled. "I'm going to take a shower first, then head to bed, sleep is calling my name," I said trying to make light of the situation.

"Megan, I love you. We all do," she said, pressing her lips to mine for one last time.

"I love y'all too." I wiped her lips free of my lipgloss then went upstairs for a shower.

I slowly rid my body of my clothing and started the running the water to the shower. I had bruises on one of my every inch of my body and each one was at a different stage of healing. I made sure that the water wasn't too hot and I stepped inside, but then sitting down and clutching my knees to my chest.

I was finally free.

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