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Megan's POV

I slid into the passenger seat and put my seat belt on; Jay looked stressed after coming out of the studio, like I'd just embarrassed him bad in front of his boys. I could give less of a damn in all honesty. He gripped the steering wheel and rubbed his forehead. He kept repeating how we had to pick up something for Bey but I kept reiterating how I didn't want to go with him because I was "tired". I told him to drop me off back at the house and he obeyed.

"Megan...you sure you don't want to chill with me and go pick the product up for BB?" he asked leaning out the car window.

"I'm sure...Jay. I'm not feeling that great and I need to lay down. Go get what you need, cousin."

He nodded his head then picked up a toothpick to chew on. I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face. "Gullible ass man," I said to myself. I walked up to the front door but look left and right not noticing Beyoncé's car. I knew this was an opportunity for me to finally leave and escape Beyoncé...but I needed to find out what happened to my daddy. I walked into the house, hurriedly going up the stairs into my bedroom, grabbing my clothes and stuffing them into a random bag from my closet. I walked into my dad's room that he used to share with Beyoncé, going back into the closet, getting the newspaper from under the shoe rack. Even though I got mostly what I needed...I needed  to find my phone and I knew it was either in the room somewhere or she had it with her; I tested my luck and searched the bedroom. I literally searched high and low, under dressers, inside dresses, under the bed, and inside storage bins but I found nothing.

"Fuck," I cured myself. I knew my phone was in this room, it had to be.

That's when I decided to check the bed again. I felt around the mattress for anything weird, I even lifted it to check under. Nothing. I felt around the mattress once more and after dragging my fingers along the material I felt a lump. Gotcha bitch. I silently celebrated as I still tried to find a way into the mattress  because I couldn't just rip it open. I quickly bored downstairs to the kitchen to get a knife but also being cautious that Beyoncé could walk through the door at any minute. I ran back up and stuck the knife into the side of the mattress revealing my phone, covered in foam. Knowing it was dead, I took a charger that was plugged into the wall stuffed both items into my bag with my clothes and left the house.


After fifteen minutes of walking from the hills to the city, I found a ducked off coffee shop to go inside of. I immediately asked for a cup of water then sat down, charging my phone. My leg shook uncontrollably as my nerves set into my body...I knew Bey and Jay were looking for me now and the fear of them finding me again was becoming a harsh reminder. Once my phone powered on, I made sure to check my location which was already turned off, I let out a deep sigh of relief. I called Kellon and Nene immediately.



"Megan, is this you for real this time?! Can you hear me?!" Kellon practically screamed through the phone.

"Kellon, thank God, yes, I can hear you."

"Thank God. Are you alright? Where are you? We filed a missing person report when Jill lost sight of you. We told the police everything." His voice broke and it sounded like he was holding back his tears.

"Megan, baby, where are you so we can come get you. I thank goodness you're alright!" Nene was clearly crying and to hear the pain in her voice forced me to break down.

"I'm at a coffee shop across the street from the only Regions Bank downtown, keep a low profile cause I'm sure she's looking for me now," I stressed. "I'm ready to be home. I also found a newspaper about my daddy's death in Beyoncé closet—" I paused, choking up, not wanting to image why she had the newspaper article balled up in her closet like it was something she wanted hidden. "I don't know why she had it but I have it with me now...just get here please."

"Of course, baby. We'll figure this out and Beyoncé's crazy ass will be going to jail!" Nene exclaimed.

"I know that's the truth," Kellon added. "I'm on the way now, you keep a low profile too, Meg."

"I will."

I ended the phone call in tears. I didn't want to get too excited or celebrate at all until Kellon walked into the door of the coffee shop, my tears were a sign of my fear and a sign of my relief. I made sure my phone remained plugged in and I got a second cup of water. The walk from the hills to the city was tiring and with the sun beaming high in the sky, it only made it worse. After ten long, anxious minutes of waiting for Kellon, I saw him walking through the entrance of the shop. I shot up and embraced him, nearly knocking him on accident. I pulled his body tighter into mine, holding him, not wanting to let go.

"I missed you so much...I thought something really bad happened to you. I mean, I thought the worse, Megan."

"I'm okay, Kell, I'm okay and I'm not going anywhere I promise...not again."

I quickly grabbed my things and made sure to grab the charger and my phone from the wall. I quickly pulled my hood over my head, low, and walked out to Kellon's black SUV. He drove me to Nene's house where Normani, the twins, Nicki, and Jill were waiting for me in the living room.

Jill sprang from the couch almost out of breath and pulled me into her arms. "Megan, I'm so sorry. I- I didn't think that—I wasn't thinking; I should've kept an eye on you with everything going on. We told the police and filed a missing person report but the police swore because you're an adult, you left on your own accord. Then...then we didn't have the pictures of your bruises so they didn't take it serious. We really tried Megan," she cried.

"What the fuck," I whispered to myself. "Why would they...."

I didn't even bother to finish my sentence because I knew being a a woman... a black woman, the police were not going to take my family's concern seriously. Jill pressed her face into my neck as she held me tighter, her hands on my tailbone.

"I'm just so glad you're here, I don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you." Her voice was low and loving but almost sultry.

I pulled back and stared at her. "Thank you. I'm alright." I smiled.

I hugged Normani and Nicki next who both seemed like they were still holding grudges against me. Normani held a grudge because of the Tory situation and Nicki...because of fan drama. Nicki was rapping too and built a fan base and so had I but some rumors were going around that I said some shit about Nicki and she started being cold towards me. They both seemed happy that I was okay though.

"Mama MEGAN!" Nella screamed as she ran towards me. "I missed you so much!"

I pulled her and Hazel in, crying now. "Why did you go on vacation without us? You promised you wouldn't leave for that long.." Hazel frowned.

I glanced up at Normani. "I'm sorry, babies. Next time we can all go on vacation together, you, Nella and your mommy...how does that sound?"

"I like that idea, Mama Megan," Hazel smiled.

I stood up and embraced Nene as well. Her eyes were bright red like she'd been crying for days on end, worried and waiting for me to come back. And Lord knows I have so much to tell them about Beyoncé and Jay of all people but also the newspaper article...I needed to find out why she had the article and she needed to be in jail for doing what she did to me. If it took everything in me to put her away, I didn't care about the challenge because I would no matter what.
My family had my back and I was finally free from Beyoncé for good.



How are we feeling about his chapter? There's more to come later this week!! I'm in my active era frrr😂

Let me know as always and stay notified for a new chapter!💕

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