~16: Your Eyes~

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After fifteen painstaking days in the hospital, after fifteen painstaking days of doctors giving up on me, after fifteen painstaking days of my family planning my funeral, I opened my eyes. I shot upwards, hyperventilating, clutching my neck intensely; my eyes darted back and forth across the room, searching for a doctor, searching for my family...searching for anybody. I tried to speak but after not speaking for two full weeks, I was hoarse and my non existent voice was a stressor. I needed to stand up but the IV cord reduced the distance I could walk before having to have it removed.

Throw something.

I picked up a plastic cup from the hospital bedside and threw it against the glass to get the attention of the nurses. One nurses eyes locked with mine; I saw her eyebrows raise and eyes widen and suddenly she sprang from her seat, ran around the desk and into the hospital room.

"Oh my God," she heaved. "Good God Almighty; if I didn't believe before, I damn sure believe now."

I tried to get my words out but the sounds I desperately needed to leave my throat wouldn't budge. I pointed to the white board that was underneath the floating television; I wanted her to grab it so I could write but knowing I haven't used my bodily functions in quiet a while I almost gave up. However, I knew I had to try my best to tell them about everything I heard while I was in my coma...they needed to know every single detail, because Beyonce needed to be under the fucking jail...permanently. The nurse quickly grabbed the white board and handed it to me along with the marker; my letters were sloppy..ineligible. I sighed hard, annoyed at myself for not being able to be clear enough to articulate what needed to be done.

"Beyonce," I wrote. "She was here; I heard her almost every night."

The nurses eyes grew in size, but she also seemed confused how I knew the details but still, she left the hospital room quickly searching for the police officer who was posted down the hallway. They both walked into the room, noticing my frazzled state, leading the officer to pull out his walki-talki from his gear calling for other officers to make their way to the room. I wrote Nene's phone number on the white board as fast as my hand would let me then tapped it, letting the nurse know I needed to make an urgent phone call. I saw the nurse pull a phone out of her pocket but she hurriedly exited the room. I erased the number then wrote that Beyoncé had been inside of the hospital, but not only that, she came into my hospital room.

"Officer Johnson, I need extra units patrolling the hospitals and I need men walking these halls," the officer stated urgently through the walki talki. "Megan, when is the last time you remember Beyoncé coming into your room? Did she say anything that would lead us to know where she would go? Did she...touch you in any way? She may still be in the hospital, Megan."

I pondered and put my thoughts to the white board. "Last night was the last time I remember. She didn't say anything in particular. She rubbed my arm; I felt it," I wrote. "Check her compound in Beverly Hills to be sure."

The officer nodded his head, writing everything I had wrote inside of his notepad quickly, his hand moving hastily but stiffly holding the pen in his hand as if the whole situation forced his body to tense. He gave me a certain look then walked out of the hospital room. The nurse eventually returned and sat on the bed quietly. Something was wrong. She handed me a note but I was afraid to open it.

"I called your people...and the one I spoke to, she said her name was Nene, said there was no way you'd just now woken up in the hospital because they took you home five days ago. She seemed so confused and said there must've been a mix up because, 'Megan is right here on the couch,' she'd said. Now, I don't know if I'm talking to a fucking ghost or if I'm going insane or if this is some sick joke but I'm not going for it."

I paused, completely unmoved and confused...dumbfounded even. What. The. Fuck. Did. She. Just. Say? I picked up the white board but grabbed the nurse's arm first to prove that I wasn't a ghost and the look on my face should've only confirmed that I wasn't fucking around with her. I wrote as fast as I could, "I don't know what you mean...I am Megan. My family hasn't come to visit me in a week; I mean, I was in a coma or something like that but I swear to you, I never left this hospital." I held up the board, basically pleading with the nurse to believe me. I sat and finally realized, no fucking wonder my family hasn't come to visit me this past week, they think I'm at home. And one question wouldn't leave me, if I'm not home, then who in the hell was in my place that allowed my family to believe it was me?


That sweet nurse who damn near doused me in holy oil, helped me leave the hospital; I prayed and prayed that she wouldn't get fired for helping me but I needed to figure this shit out. I assumed the police didn't find anything in the hospital that would lead them to Beyoncé because once I left, I no longer saw the police cars that filled the hospital parking lot. But I prayed they would find her.

I thanked the Uber driver for the ride and he said he hoped I was okay because I still had on the hospital scrubs. I told him I was fine but gave him an unsure smile as of course I didn't know if I was fine or would be. I walked to Nene's front door. I knew everyone was here, Jill included because I saw her new Mercedes G- Class parked in the driveway. I grabbed the spare key hidden in the bird house hanging from the porch and unlocked the door. To my surprise, the house was very boisterous, I even heard the twins screaming, laughing and rapping along to one of my new songs, BOA. My head felt extremely heavy and the pain shot from the back of my neck to my eyebrows; I waddled and followed the noise of my family to see them in the living room huddled together doing karaoke.

I began to smile but then my heart sank into a puddle of hurt. Jill had another woman's arms wrapped around her neck, she had another woman's hips grinding on hers, she hand another woman's lips placed on hers, that woman had on the engagement ring I was supposed to have on my finger. I gasped, ready to cry hysterically, as I dropped the whiteboard, the sound of impact echoed caused everyone to jump, startled at my presence, locking eyes with me in my hospital gown.

That's when I saw the Megan they were referencing this whole time...I was staring at me, she was staring at me. The fear inside of me bubbled up, wrapping its hands around my throat, damn near killing me. I was staring at ME. No one dared to approach me and everyone backed away from the other Megan in unison; no one made a sound. I couldn't breathe...I- I couldn't stand. I should've died right there in the living room because someone was pretending to be me, someone was trying to take my life and for the life of me I wish I was wrong but I knew who was behind this.

And I need the police to find her.


YALL enjoy this 😭
tell me wassup right here, any thoughts any comments😂yall know what to do! until the neck chapter!

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