Ruv and I continued to watch Sarvente's mass take place. I had returned to sitting on the clean wooden pews, and Ruv loomed behind his pillar of choice.
I stretched my arms high above my head, as Sarv's speech came to a close. She closed her eyes, and held her hands close together, praying. I smiled, as the others who were before her followed her actions.
I watched as Sarv stepped down from her raised platform area. Her height didn't change much. Still tall as ever. She walked down the rows of people, gesturing for them to stand and follow her. A cheerful smile was given to each and every single one of them.
They all followed in a single file line behind Sarv. She led them to the church door, and turned to face them. She stepped out of the way, and held a hand out, letting the others pass her, exiting the church. I could see their mouths moving, clearing saying their goodbyes.
As the last of the people left the church, I heard a quick sigh come from Sarv. The reaction echoed, and Sarv walked over to me, her heels clicks also echoing in the room. I scooted to the edge of the pew, as Sarv neared my seat.
"Didn't realize you were sitting here until around the middle of the mass." Sarv lightly laughed. I gave a pleased huff, and stood up, wobbling a bit from the little space between each pew. I caught myself from falling, and held onto the back of the pew in front of me.
Sarv laughed at my horrible attempt to stand after sitting for so long. How long had Sarvente's mass gone for anyways? 2 hours? I didn't bother trying to figure it out. All I knew, was that it was a while, enough for my legs to get used to not standing for a bit.
Sarv cleared her throat, and Ruv stepped out from behind the pillar, as if her clearing her throat was a command for a dog. She looked down at me, and held a sorrowful look.
"I'll most likely introduce you to the regulars that arrive for my masses, meaning you'll start to help me during work hours." Sarv spoke. She seemed a little hesitant to announce her plans, which was understandable. I never had experience with this sort of stuff, and meeting new people could be hard.
"Understood." Is all I replied to her with. The answer was simple, and got the point across, though it held an understanding tone, which made Sarv create a sigh of relief. She turned to Ruv, who was kicking a few pebbles on the ground, boringly.
"Ruv" Sarv called. Ruv immediately looked up to her, and held a curious look. He reminded me almost of a dog in that moment. His expression soon disappeared, as she turned to the clock high on a wall, and back to him.
"I'm going to start making lunch." Sarv cheerfully skipped away, leaving me and Ruv alone in the church. The man groaned, and my stomach responded, groaning in hunger. My face heated up, in embarrassment, as I looked up at Ruv.
"Someone's hungry." He taunted. I sighed, and walked past the man. I heard Ruv genuinely chuckle, which was a first. I ignored the noise, and continued walking, making my way to the living room. Ruv followed me, ending up on the same couch as me.
Neither of us enjoyed the same shows, so we ended up just picking a random channel. Friends was currently on, which wasn't a bad show. I watched the show, while I could hear Sarv humming something in the kitchen.
Ruv held his head in his hands, and leaned against the couches arm rest. Ruv had a relaxed expression on his face, and seemed interested in the show. The calmness between the two of us felt nice, and I subconsciously lightly smiled.
After a while, I heard Ruv breathing. I looked over to him, and his eyes were shut. We'd only been sitting there for a little bit. Guess he had the tendency to fall asleep easily. Or did he not get enough sleep? Either way, he looked extremely peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb him. He for once didn't look annoyed about something.
Church's Light || ( Ruv X Reader)
RomanceCover Credits to @ElliotFrow on Twitter - Y/N, a overly happy human moves into the darker side of their town. Their intentions were to brighten up this side of town as well, but to not much success. They eventually turn to looking for others that wi...