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𝙂𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇𝙎! 𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

yun had kept her word of telling haechan when she was free, which happened to be the second she left her final class of the day

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yun had kept her word of telling haechan when she was free, which happened to be the second she left her final class of the day. it was approaching nine at night, and she was pretty tired, but in desperate need of a smoke. so, she texting haechan and asked if he wanted to do it right that minute. he agreed, telling her jaemin was also at his dorm because they were the only two not busy at the moment.

when he gave her his dorm number, she headed into the boys dorm building. as she walked through the halls, there were very few boys out and about, giving her weird looks, but of course she didn't care. guys were always walking around in the girls dorm building and her being there was no different.

when she finally approached her destination, she twisted the door knob and pushed the door open, haechan telling her to just walk in because the door would already be unlocked. as she walked in, long behold was the boy who seemed to have already been rolling up a joint. he looked over at her as she closed the door, his face lighting up and a smile forming across his face.

"yunnnn," he exclaimed, earning a small chuckled from the girl. jaemin sat on the other bed, the two making eye contact and only waving at each other shyly.

"i was luckily already in the process of this," haechan said, holding up the freshly rolled joint, "so don't worry about it. sit."

he patted the seat on his bed in front of him as yun slipped off her shoes and put them to the side, brushing her hair out of her face and taking a seat where he patted. haechan quickly lit the plant, placing it to his lips. short, light coughs left his mouth as he inhaled, passing it to yun.

she laughed, "weak lungs, man." haechan couldn't even protest, because even though he was quite the smoker, she was still right.

jaemin laughed at the remark as he watched her inhale herself, then handing it to jaemin. this went on for a minute until it was handed back to haechan, and he decided to start a conversation.

"so, how we liking ncit? personally, it's alright for me."

"it's fine, i think. normal." her response wasn't awfully convincing, and the two just nodded in agreement. they liked the school, of course, it's just the whole college experience wasn't all that great for everyone. "i need to stop buying weed, though. i'm already broke as is and i'm not really interested in starving to death."

"agreed. however, i'm probably not going to stop." haechans lips pursed together as he nodded with his entire upper body, passionate in his decision.

"fully understandable. do all of you guys smoke?" yun asked, licking her lips as she already felt cotton mouth forming.

"yeah. chenle doesn't do it a lot, and i think jisung and i do it the most. i just like being high and jisung has major anxiety, so it helps him a shit ton."

"yeah? he seems like a quiet kid," at this point they were multitasking, rotating the joint and talking at the same time.

jaemin chuckled at the response, knowing jisung was the complete opposite. "only around new people. he's not like, loud, or anything, but he's just always talking about the most random shit. he's truly a weird kid. but we love that about him."

"we baby him so much, and he hates it, but we literally cannot help it. he's so... fragile? he's been through so much and you just can't help but take care of him."

yun nodded, enjoying having getting to know the boy even if it wasn't directly. she was finally starting to not get so scared about opening up and being more comfortable around new people. she always had iffy thoughts about these guys, but they definitely did not seem as bad as she thought.

"when did you start smoking?" haechan asked the girl.

yun looked above her as she thought. "junior year, i think? danbi, ren and i used to take walks from 11 at night until like 3 am smoking and talking. good times."

"that sounds so peaceful."

"oh! by the way, jeno is literally fucking obsessed with ren and wants to know if she's available." haechan blurted, getting the question out before he forgot.

yun laughed, "she is, but she's not really the dating type after her last relationship. i'll let her know, though."

"you didn't need to add the obsessed part," jaemin mumbled, laughing.

"what are you guys studying, again?" yun asked, not sure if they ever told her.

"dance for me, and psychology for jaemin."

"holy shit, i wanted to take a psych class so bad. it seems so interesting. i'm in business, by the way."

"it is super cool, hard, but cool for the most part. i'll be your personal psychology professor." the boy grinned. yun couldn't help but notice how the more they smoked, the more he talked, and she actually loved it.

haechan let out a squeaky laugh as yun grinned at the sure attitude. "hell yeah, dude. i'm down."

"why pay for certain classes when you have na jaemin?"

"y'all wanna know a secret?" yun asked the boys, suddenly getting an urge to be messy.

they hummed, nodding their heads eagarly. "the girls and i talk about you so much in our groupchat." she laughed, feeling slightly embarrassed but still found it funny.

haechan gasped, "are you serious? the guys and i talk about you guys so much, too. i'm not even gonna lie right now and i'll tell you now so you don't hate me later but jeno and i almost made a bet on who can get close with you the fastest."

jaemin wanted to laugh at how stupid they were for almost doing that, but remained silent as he didn't know how yun would react to that. her eyes just narrowed, her head tilting in confusion, looking more lost than mad.

"okay, i'm not mad about it, but like, what the fuck?" she laughed. "is it ongoing? because you obviously win."

"nah, jaemin and renjun yelled at us so we never went through with it. of course i'd win, i'm literally lee haechan."

"incase you haven't noticed, haechan thinks the world revolves around him," jaemin chimed in, resulting in haechan grabbing the pillow from next to him and throwing it at the boy.

"he's so me."

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