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𝙂𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇𝙎! 𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

momPlease explain to me why there are pictures of you getting black out drunk on social media Yunyeong

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Please explain to me why there
are pictures of you getting black
out drunk on social media Yunyeong

momPlease explain to me why there are pictures of you getting black out drunk on social media Yunyeong

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a long yawn came from yun as she slowly
regained consciousness after a long sleep. her head was already beginning to pound after too many shots the night before, her memory hazy as she could really only remember being dragged to bed by danbi.

sunlight peaked through the window shades of one of house bedrooms as she finally forced her eyelids open. strands of hair fell over her face messily from a completely lopsided bun she threw in before sleeping, she huffed them out of her face before throwing the covers away from her.

everyone was able to have their own places to sleep, whether it was in a room,
on a couch, sleeping bag, there was a space for everyone. yun happened to call dibs on a room all to herself. well—she would have preferred to share it with jaemin, but was starting to like him so much that she didn't want to seem desperate.

before she could even process where she was, the door swung open and stood in front was none of than park jisung, too eagerly throwing himself onto the bed.

"my head hurts," she mumbled to the boy, pressing a finger to her temple to unsuccessfully ease the pain.

jisung hummed, nodding his head slightly in agreement feeling equally as gross after a night of drinking. "is everyone still sleeping?" the girl asked.

"i don't know, i just wanted to bother you first," the taller replied, shrugging his shoulder.

yun chuckled at the cute response, unable to stop herself from ruffling his hair at his clingy behavior. jisung stood up and got ready to leave the room to bother someone else as the girl searched the bed for her phone.

she picked it up and through tired eyes instantly checked the phone battery, knowing she'd never plugged it in to charge the night before, and was welcomed with an almost dead phone. a sigh left her lips as her eyes moved to the messages displayed on her screen.

a small frown fell across the girls face, eyebrows creased together while her thumb scrolled through the messages from her mother all the way to the very last one.

her heart dropped straight down to her stomach, hands becoming frozen as she examined the multiple photos sent to her with vodka bottles to her lips and a flushed drunken face.

yuns posture suddenly straightened, jisung noticing her distressed expression. "whats wrong?"

yun had almost completely drowned out the sound of jisungs voice as he called her name a few times. it took her a moment to realize he had even said anything.

"uh," she breathed, trying to explain what so suddenly had her looking so stressed, "just—just look."

jisung curiously moved his feet her way and she turned his phone in his direction. his eyes squinted in the slightest, leaning down to see what yun was showing him. to his surprise, his lips parted in shock at the cruel messages displayed on her screen from her mother. from words to 'disgrace' and 'ungrateful,' the lady was clearly not holding back how she felt.

"holy shit.." he breathed, feeling guilty for the girl next to him, "yun, this is really bad. what are we gonna do?"

the girl couldn't answer because she herself didn't even know. her mind flooded with memories of previous punishments growing up, not even able to simply guess what her mother would do now. another sigh left her lips in frustration as she dropped her phone to run a hand through her knotted hair.

jisung felt awful and didn't know what to say, didn't know if there was anything he could say to make the situation any better.

"i should go," she spoke again just before jisung could say anything. he watched sadly as she got up to grab her things before following her out the door.

"you're not gonna stay for a little longer?" he asked, disappointment clear in his voice as he enjoyed having all his friends together in one place. he grew fond of yuns company and didn't want her to leave so suddenly.

she didn't want to either, truly. the last thing she wanted to do was leave her friends party early to have to deal with the devil as a mother. "ji, i have to fix this. i'm really sorry."

momYou know, I would have understood if you wanted more freedom

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You know, I would have understood
if you wanted more freedom. I didn't
give you much of a childhood.

But we did it for your own good,
trust me

I get it, you're an adult now
and I can hardly tell you what to
do. But this is NOT how you act
as an adult.

We did not send you to such a
prestigious school for you to drink
and hang out with delinquents

Not to mention having to find out
from JENOS mother that you almost
got arrested at a party? Are you serious Yunyeong?

What have I done for you to
act this way?

i dont really know what to
say right now

im sorry i couldnt be what you
wanted me to be

i dont think we should have this conversation over text

I'm so upset I honestly don't
even want to speak to you right
now, let alone in person.

okay i get why youre upset, but
im an adult so how can you
honestly be angry at me? for
doing stuff every single young
adult does??

This isn't about every single
young adult this is about YOU

If you want freedom so bad then
fine, have it. I won't be here for
you anymore.

I'll see you during Christmas
break but until then, forget
about me.

??? youre not serious??? youre
my mother and not even willing
to talk things out

honestly i shouldve expected
that but yeah whatever, see you
on holiday

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