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𝙂𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇𝙎! 𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

𝙂𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇𝙎! 𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

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"what's his name again?"

"his name is renjun," yun explained, "and i'm telling you this because i'm finally comfortable with you enough to where i wanna share parts of my life with you, so please don't ruin it."

she was nervous for not only technically being in her first real relationship, but also for telling her parents about it. the thing she never had to worry about because she was never a relationship person until recently, and her parents didn't really know how to take it either.

"that's great," her dad replied after some silence, "we're happy for you!"

her mother smiled awkwardly but it was genuine, she was still working on showing love to her daughter and she was afraid her words wouldn't come out as sincere as they were. yun nodded and grinned. "alright, well, i'm leaving. i'll be back later."

they said their goodbyes quickly and she walked out the door, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding once the door was closed. she wondered how long it'd be awkward between them, but knew for sure it was better than the terrible relationship they had before.

her feet moved down the pavement to renjuns car that was sat out front, she could see through the window him tapping his hand to a beat and assumed the radio must have been on, and the smile forming on her face was impossible to keep away.

he hadn't noticed her approaching so she opened the passengers side without warning, a gesture that became natural for her. it startled renjun, however, but his fearful face turned to relief when yun came into sight. "hi, god, you scared me."

"sorry," the girl sang, hopping inside and shutting the door behind her, "not my fault you didn't see me coming."

he never did, weirdly enough, and it was a funny little prank to yun to scare him every time. he gave her a defeated look before leaning over to peck her on the lips, fully unable of being mad at her for scaring him. "i'll get you back. seatbelt."

the girl turned and buckled in her seatbelt after being reminded to, and they were off.

the group eventually took a day to meet with the neos because as taeyong said, they had a lot to do, and they knew their jobs wouldn't be as easy as the idea, but it was exciting to yun. she felt like she wasn't going to be a nobody anymore, or the girl who slept around, and she actually had better things to do than drown as the person she didn't want to be anymore,

"are you nervous?" renjun asked suddenly, pulling up to the known neo house.

"not really, are you?" the question itself made her think he was a little nervous.

"kind of, yeah," he admitted, "these guys have a huge reputation and, i don't know, it's intimidating? i guess?"

yun nodded, it was fully understandable. she must've just gotten so used to the neos at this point that this didn't feel all that scary to her, thankfully. "you can always back out of it at any point, they won't force you to stay."

"no, no, i'm doing it. no backing out. just a little nervous."

the other playfully cooed at his determination, reaching to run her fingers through his hair as renjun laughed through a blush creeping up to his cheeks. "how cute, but if you say so!"

then the pair stepped out of the car once it was parked and made their way to the front door and rang the doorbell. it only took a couple seconds before the door swung open, and yuta opened it from the other side.

"yuta!" yun exclaimed happily, a friendly grin spreading across her lips and usually yuta would keep a cold expression but he felt rude not cracking a grin back.

"yun," he nodded before his eyes moved to renjun, "you must be renjun?"

neither of them had any idea how he knew his name, as yuta was awful with remembering names in general and she never mentioned the name of the boy she liked. neither of them also didn't know that jisung had already been inside, chatting his mouth off about how cute of a couple his roommate, renjun, and his best friend, yun, are.

"yeah, nice to meet you," the other gulped, holding out his hand for yuta to shake, and he did.

renjun seemed nervous but everyone who knew yuta knew he was the furthest thing from scary, he just had a certain aura that you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by. the two expected him to move aside to allow them in, but he didn't right just yet.

"yun talks about you a lot, ever since you started dating. she's pretty obsessed with you," the older exposed, as if he was trying to embarrass her, "so i hope you're treating the kid right, you know? don't break her poor little heart."

yun had no clue to feel comforted because the guy was actually showing he cared for her for once, or annoyed because he'd went on about how she was obsessed with her boyfriend and calling her kid all while talking about her as if she wasn't there. so, she settled for a squinted glare that had both boys chuckling at.

"i would never," renjun replied.

"okay! inside!" she insisted before her embarrassment grew, and yuta finally moved aside to let them inside.

the two stepped inside the home and followed yuta into a dining room where the rest of the neos sat, along with jisung and haechan. the two looked to be wearing their dance clothes and yun assumed they'd came right after dance practice. the conversation among the group died down as all heads turned their way.

"i knew it was your voice!" jisung exclaimed, standing to give her a quick hug before the couple briefly greeted everyone else.

"warming up?" yun asked haechan, seeing everything but tense and annoyed around the guys he so-called hated.

he caught onto her indirect teasing, shooting a sarcastic grin but answered anyways. "yes, actually. save your 'i told you so's' alright, i get it. you were right, and i was wrong."

"as per usual." the other cockily agreed.

taeyong decided he didn't want to begin the important stuff until everyone had arrived, so once the table was full the real talk began. he went on about the different jobs and responsibilities held as a neo, and the group realized it was most certainly more than huge parties every weekend.

yun glanced at her friends all around the table, half of them listening intently and the other half looked to be fighting to stay awake, and she hoped none of them would crack a yawn. it was as if school had already begun and they were sitting through a lecture, even though taeyong had only been talking for a couple minutes.

"i'll leave it up to you guys to decide what jobs interest you the most, but also don't go choosing impulsively. look into what you think you'd do the best and things you're good at." he explained.

"also, just so we're clear, you're all in, correct?" johnny asked.

the group glanced at each other with raised eyebrows, and yun had expected somebody to raise their hand and tell everyone they wanted out, but no one did. to her surprise, everyone was more than up to it.

"we're all in, believe it or not," said mark, being one of the firsts to accept the offer.

then a proud grin came from jaehyun, thinking about how far they'd all come since the beginning. "can't believe this."

"you're welcome," yun nodded confidently, "all because of me. you're welcome."

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