Blessed by Hephaestus/Master smith

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Name: Blessed by Hephaestus or master smith

type: emitter

tier: SSS+

info: the weaponry the user makes is on god-level tier. the weapons  never break, extremely lightweight and are super areodiamtic. and these weapons are literally living even when the wielder's weapon is not near it will come to them and always protect them. The user can control weaponry they made.

Abilities they can give weaponry

1. It never breaks

2. Super Areodiamtic

3. The weapon will come to its user in their time of need

4. Quirk Condutivity(this means if someone had a quirk were they freeze people via touching them then the weapon would gain this power only while the user is holding it so the blade freezes people)

5. The user can control all the weapons they made 

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