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Type: Emitter/Mutant
Tier: B+
Range: Close Range Touch
Description: the user hands act like an electric eel, and when touching someone with their hands they can shock them, there hands might not glow or show signs of sparks but the electric shocks from the hands are able of causing someone's heart or brain to instantly stop.

The charge of the shock depends on the users Stress levels for instants when the user isn't stress they will be fine and able to touch people without shocking them but when they become stress or scared anyone they touched will be shocked electricity.

A little Stressed
-the shocks only feel like a Tickle

-at this stage one shock is able to Stun a person for 30 minutes to an hour

Very Stressed
- One touch from there hand and the target will be in extreme pain for hours

- One touch will permanently someones movement e.g. paralysing some permanently

Very Scared
- Instant Death with one touch of the users hand

Reverse Method
this method is hard for the user to learn, it is when the user absorbs someones bioelectrical energy e.g. the energy within their body which when absorbing someone's electrical energy can cause them to go to sleep or die.

Other uses

Wall climbing
When the user is stressed they are able to use the electricity in their hands to walk/Climb on walls.

Electricity immunity 
your immune to all forms of electricity, making yourself immune to your shocks 

Hands in or on a conductor
Water: when your hands are in water the electric shocks will travel on average about 20 metres
Metal: when your hands are one a metal object the electric shock will travel 10 metres

1. Shocking someone makes you hungry and need to eat food
2. If you use your quirk more than 5 times a day your hands will be numb and have extreme pins and needles 
3. Whilst shocking someone you will have a migraine and it will last for 40 seconds after shocking someone

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